My first outdoor grow


This is my first outdoor grow. She's not very big and I feel the flowering process is going kinda slow. I don't feed her any nuts at all. Just plain water from the hose bib. So at the same time she's pretty good for that I feel. Any have any suggestions on some nuts to help the buds become more dense? Also how do somepoeple get these massive plants outdoor? I have tried but mine dont get as big as I would like.


Well-Known Member
WHats your sun exposure like? I guess you didn't try too hard if you didn't feed them any have good soil and good nutes, but my sun exposure sucks, so mine don't get massive at the outdoor spot I'm growing in, but if you have full sun all day,good weather, you have them in huge pots or backfilled holes with quality soil, and you feed them on a good nutrient schedule, you're pretty much guaranteed monsters.


Well yes and no lol.... I bought fox farm ocean forest soil and fox farm grow big. I went by the feeding on the bottle and the feeding chart they offer online, but your right i probably didn't try as hard as I could. Also my plant is in a 3gallon container. My next one I want to step it up to a 10gallon or 15. And I want to try those airpots. What would be a good blend of nuts to get massive growth? Thanks


Also my sun exposure is good. It's been like 95-104 lately and my plant get about 9 hrs of sun. But she is already flowering. Has pretty nice size flowers for being three feet tall. The buds are just a little light and airry. I want them to fill in more and become bigger and dense.