My first plant is budding how long till finish time?


Hey I vegged this indoors then moved it outtie to flower then frost hit and killed off my top kola and most of her big fan leaves I moved her back inside and this (see attachments) is what I have left!? So how long till I should harvest the buds? Or how long till she is ripe/done/ready?
Thanks! Oh and sorry for the unrotated/million pics I'm new at this! These are all pics of the same plant on the same day! She's been flowering for about a month outdoors I just brought her in cause where I live we are out of sunshine and good weather! Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. We live in Canada in the Prairies. Also what strain do you think this is?



It is about day 30 of flowering if this helps but i'm kindof unsure cuz we had it under cfls then under sun for a month now its back under cfl's!


Well-Known Member
Sorry my bad I was reading a couple a threads and got confused lol. I'll post some pics of mine at about thirty days.