my first plant


Well-Known Member
hey guys they are doing great my 2nd biggest is just begging for a transplant tho ill try to get her in a bigger pot today. biggest one is just doing great ,
its 7th day of flower still no sign of sex, they just woke up and got watered. heres some pics enjoy, and canna how you doing?:joint: this ones for you!



Well-Known Member
wow looking so healthy! they are taller than mine lol prolly strain details......i still have no sign of sex either ......ahhhhh, frustrated. lol anyway man, im gonna take pics this week. prolly tomorrow with the new light.


Well-Known Member
yeah man cant wait for your pictures, and man im super high right now. wow ok, but yeah they are doing great


Well-Known Member
awesome bro. dude i just got some hashplant crossed with afghan. my firend let me tell you.......ive never been higher in my 8 years of smoking


Well-Known Member
hey dave whats up man lookin good wish we lived closer then we could get baked lol. anyways i started my grow again in the closet they just popped from the soil today.


Well-Known Member
man i wish i had like a crazy strain anyone have an extra seed they can send my way?
and canna i wish i was ther to kno exactly wat your talkin about.

blazer you started from scratch from seed again?


Well-Known Member
yes sir i did. hope it goes good this time no foil lol. got some more seeds germing just for extra incase of males. ive had this thing with my plants showin their sex early usually males did.


Well-Known Member
lookin good bro...hope you get all females...figured i would show some love to your page since you always blessing mine...+rep just for growing the magical herb...


Well-Known Member
dec 8th , 8 days into flower is this a female?? im pretty sure it i . only the first node is showing it, i need more opinions before i name her???
so what do you guys think??:?:


Well-Known Member
i am excited i think i see hairs growing from the 4th internode. there are tiny and very thin but im sure with the hps they will grow fast. btw the hps is amazing im not using any cfls anymore since its only 2 sq feet ( 2 30 gal rubbermaids stacked with mylar interior. and 10 inch ventilation fan blowing in. light is 12 inches from top of plant and temp is 81 degrees. its doing really well)

im really excited for both of us!


Well-Known Member
shes absolutely beautiful. better keep her away from the boyz they all gonna wanna peice of that ass lol. congrads


Well-Known Member
yea im pretty sure that it would stress the plant out too much now and inhibit flowering potential. i wouldnt man , i was wondering the same deal. speaking of deals i just got 9 grams of hashplantx afghan and 2 g of skunk for 50 bucks!!!!

woot woot


Well-Known Member
god i hope i got a female. i wanna desperately find a grower near me and get some cuttings for a fem. SOG grow. i want 6 plants but realistically have the stuff for 4


Well-Known Member
congrats man, im worried about my "ladies" i have 4 im hoping to get more than 1 female, but at the same time id be super pissed to get all males.