My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed


Well-Known Member
I didn't see much difference between yesterday and today on leafs and roots, but the new growth frow where I fimed looks like it keeps growing so....they might have a second chance?. flushed the system today because the water had some foam not to much, but I didnt want to take a chance. Filled it back with a 350ppms 5.6ph water using the lucas formula, went down on nutes just to be on the safe side.

More sadness:-(

New Hope :bigjoint: 4 days after FIM


Well-Known Member
The plants are not dead yet , fan leaves and roots aren't growing or getting any better :-( . Trimmed the lower fan leaves because they were very dead , but
the inner growth keeps growing at a slow pase though , so.... I'm going to give them about two weeks to get better or I'm starting again. If inner nodes keep on growing I might get some cuttings and clone'em ? but I hope they pull trough.

Pure sadness :-?

5 days after Fimming. They are growing...slow,but growing.


Well-Known Member
Maybe lowering your rez level to just where it splashes the bottom of the net pot. This would force the roots to use search for more water and use up all his reserves. Just a thought, but they do look alive :D


Well-Known Member
yes. just like gumball said. I have had one that sit just a little lower than the others and even tho it had an air gap it was still being overwatered and was droopy. so try to lower the rez level an inch or so. As long as the roots are still in the water you should be fine. They are not dead so dont give up yet.


Well-Known Member
I think the net sit right now at about 1" above the water. I'm going to drop the level some more When I get home tonight ,and se if that helps with the droopiness. PPMs are at 350 , should I keep it like that for now until they recuperate or should I raise it?

This does make me wanna go back to dirt though.


Well-Known Member
I think the net sit right now at about 1" above the water. I'm going to drop the level some more When I get home tonight ,and se if that helps with the droopiness. PPMs are at 350 , should I keep it like that for now until they recuperate or should I raise it?

This does make me wanna go back to dirt though.


Well-Known Member
I think the net sit right now at about 1" above the water. I'm going to drop the level some more When I get home tonight ,and se if that helps with the droopiness. PPMs are at 350 , should I keep it like that for now until they recuperate or should I raise it?

This does make me wanna go back to dirt though.


Well-Known Member
triple post, for good measure!!! :lol: well think if you make that 1 tap root feed that whole plant it will force the plant into getting more roots into the water. So as long as the water is splashing just to the net pot to keep the new roots moist as they come out and before they hit the water then you should be good. last pic of your tap root was like 7-8 inches from bottom of net pot, so you should be able to keep over half of it in the water. I just noticed on my experimentary tomatoe DWC that it always looks best when the water is several inches below the net pot.


Well-Known Member
just make sure the bottom of the net pot gets some spash from the air bubbles as they pop on the surface. wanna make sure the those new roots have some water.


Well-Known Member
triple post. just in case we didnt see the first one. lol jk. I have one plant that droops a little and I have to adjust water accordingly til i get it right. and this root is not even touching the water. it just gets splashed alot by the bubbles which is overwatering it. I had mine about an inch but now about 3 til they get a little bigger then ill prob go a little lower. id drop it to about 3-4 and see how they react. when i pull my net pot out of the water it has significant amount of water on the pot so I know its getting really wet even if the root is not in the water. you are farther along than me in mine, im still learning so just saying based on what i have experienced with mine. they will bounce back


Well-Known Member
It's been 30 days from seed, and I can't believe they are alive and growing after what happened with the nute burn and bad diffussers... I'm very excited!:clap:.

The area that I fimmed has grown 2 1"new:leaf: shoots on both plants in 6 days.

LST was not in my plans today , but I got high, went to check them,and it looked to me like a perfect time to start.
I think i am going to leave the ppms at around 350 for a nother week before I go back up on the nutes.?

Temps 72f
Water temp 66f
PPMs 350
ph 6
RH 50%

LST pics


Well-Known Member
It's Been 12hrs since I lst'em and wow! they look totaly different from yesterday. All the inner growth shot right up almost catching up with the fimmed top.
Looked at the nets and there is alot of new roots coming through on both plants. The old roots turned brown and don't know if I should cut them or leave'em in there? What I mean is that I don't know if they're feeding the plants or just hanging taking up space.
Ph hasn't been stable,it was down to 4 when I checked so...I raised it to 6.5 by the meter , but something told me to check it with the ph kit. My suspicion was right the ph meter was out of cal. By 2 whole points so I re-calibrate it and got the ph to a real 5.6. Thinking on recalibrate the meter weekly to be on the safe side.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Probably a good idea to calibrate weekly. I should prob do the same. I'd prob cut the dead roots, dead roots in the res could affect the pH and so forth.