My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!

so the tent gets warm but not hot. 80 it says. so im going to use just 2 bulbs for now and have one switch on only have one seed left..hopefully it makes it! so i have the zipper wide open to get some fresh air in there since its day time doesnt matter bout the light flooding my house. this tent is pretty nice, its thick material and super reflective. the hydro store rips off people. online is way cheaper.r



Well-Known Member
I can toss a few more seeds your way, I'm down the hill right now trying to get my alternator crap taken care of, registration too. Lets blaze it, pop me a message if you're down.

I have a few friends that own or work in a hydro shop, and believe me, it's not them always mongering for money, more than often it is the manufacturer. Many of them enforce there prices with the threat of removing their products from the store. Online is cool, but nothing beats American made... Well european tents are great, but the measurements are all off for us. Besides, I like advertising the fact that everything I use is made in america and california. .. Well except most my nutes, lol!
sounds great!! maybe u can come this way today. ill pm you my phone number.

ya i know, the manufactures inflate their msrp most of the time.i would like to support the local stores but sometimes just can't.well i can't lol but rob can maybe.

but ya i do anything today free really. just straightening up my grow room.
ok here is the web cam of the tent now.set up just for rob.just need to find a cheap pair of sunglasses i can use the lens from for a filter cuz its 2 bright with out it.

all clean and tidy now. just need to look for a shelf unit for storage.goin to wal mart in a few.


Well-Known Member
So i took a scope and checked a surgur leaf it seemed pretty cloudy. I would think after a few days people mentioned pics here it is. I might cut some down in a day then wait for the others. I got teens on the way more pics to come soon!

Hope it comes out good about a week of flushing!
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So I got really baked last night and grabbed some choppers at about 2 in the morning lol. I only cut one branch and another one or two tonight.



Well-Known Member
too early :(.. do you like sativa high though? you might like it that way .. for me ... all cloudy or just turned cloudy makes me tooo on edge and paranoid .. plus doesnt last long.. but .. it might be just perfect for you .. Let us know how she smokes sir :)


Well-Known Member
I am concerned my step dad says its goin back to leaf growth lol! I dont know what to do. I figured wait another two days and then go back to cutting a branch down a night I dont know what to do. They been flowering for a while lol. I will give you a call around 4 or 5 if thats cool i should be out of the doctors by then. Loved the pics you sent me yesterday I am really excited! You the man!!


Well-Known Member
I can send you some better ones... Maybe its more ripe then it looks in the pic.... its pretty blurry.. Looks frosty though ya? hows the smell.. Never had that strain before :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Goped here is that pic in bigger form.. sorry I didnt take better ones.. as you can see my room was a mess last night so I just snapped a pic of the group before they went back under the lights and got watered..


Well-Known Member
I love the way they look! So happy so green. You free to take a phone call before 2 0 clock or you kinda busy? Wanted to figure out how were gona go about this. I am really excited there going to be wonderful plants!


Well-Known Member
Looks like we all had our scissors going last night. I was up until 6am trimming the rest of my BD. I didn't think that monster would ever end! She was a sticky bitch and tough to trim, but she smells so fucking good. Allota how do you get those towering plants in those little half gallon containers? And is that a Master Kush I spot in the crowd? I think it is, if not it's Master Bubba!

Strains like G13 can be pretty heavy, so an earlier crop isn't such a bad idea. But I doubt it's going into reveg, we are at our shortest point of daylight so far, so no revegging should be going on. I cropped a White Berry super early once, and because of it's heavy indica influence it actually turned out fantastic.


Well-Known Member
Looks like we all had our scissors going last night. I was up until 6am trimming the rest of my BD. I didn't think that monster would ever end! She was a sticky bitch and tough to trim, but she smells so fucking good. Allota how do you get those towering plants in those little half gallon containers? And is that a Master Kush I spot in the crowd? I think it is, if not it's Master Bubba!

Strains like G13 can be pretty heavy, so an earlier crop isn't such a bad idea. But I doubt it's going into reveg, we are at our shortest point of daylight so far, so no revegging should be going on. I cropped a White Berry super early once, and because of it's heavy indica influence it actually turned out fantastic.

Very interesting! I was going to line em up like the first ones cut and then few days later cut more and then cute more. Have jars with labels get a real test of whats goin on between my step dad saying harvest and members saying wait. I mean i know alotta knows his stuff. I just got off the phone with my real dad and he said listen to your step dad just another old schooler. So i am just gona keep smoking and wait cut a branch. Smoke some more another cut down another branch see what happens.

Cant wait till we all get together. I think were doin a bho party joshkins! Luger is coming its gona be a great time ha!


Well-Known Member
Very interesting! I was going to line em up like the first ones cut and then few days later cut more and then cute more. Have jars with labels get a real test of whats goin on between my step dad saying harvest and members saying wait. I mean i know alotta knows his stuff. I just got off the phone with my real dad and he said listen to your step dad just another old schooler. So i am just gona keep smoking and wait cut a branch. Smoke some more another cut down another branch see what happens.

Cant wait till we all get together. I think were doin a bho party joshkins! Luger is coming its gona be a great time ha!
Yeyeah son! I've already heard rumors, I'll make some dry ice hash for the occasion, I have a shitload of Blue Dream trim and popcorn now. As long as the plant is in good health you can get away with this idea, but it will cause a lot of stress and could cause her to do weird things. Anything from maturing rapidly to stunting maturity of trichomes. She looks healthy though, fuck it, go for it, if she starts to turn you can just chop her down anyways.