My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Hey thanks a lot everyone! I love this RIU family and the support behind everyone. Really makes me feel great about what i have done and how far I have gotten. Ohh and I cant wait till October. I need to do some watering today my step dad said my 5 gallon bucket is not nearly enough water lol. I am just like ughhh time to get another 5 gallon bucket since i am letting my water sit outside for 24 hours.

Also I need to work on getting the drain holes in today so I dont get any root rot so its very important I get that done as soon as possible. Yea i talked to a grower friend last night on the phone and they said the flora nova is so thick and not like water like the botanicare stuff. So i might run humboldts or advanced nutrients or the flora nova. Really hard for me to choose!

More pictures coming soon! Keep it up everyone! This year is going to be a great year!
all my plants love flora nova!


Well-Known Member
Just got your message, I subbed to this.

You asked me what I use, I am a basic person and stick to the less is more in most cases. I run GenHydro's 3 part lineup. For seedlings and cuttings I feed with BioRoots.
Only a few strains needed calmag boost doings this regime, but every grower should have that on hand anyways.
Seems to me your a well read into this and if you need anything just shout, Ill be watching -more than posting :)

Take care , Hope that golden cali sun takes care of ya,

edit, Just finished reading threw the mass of this thread. Your yard is bout to be full!!
Seems you have a good network of local and internet friends, but if ya need something like i said just hmu. ttyl buddy take care


Well-Known Member
Yea i just got home from the ladys house and i just looked at my babys and there looken great today. I put some water in a 5 gallon bucket going to let it sit till about 5:30 pm and it will have been outside 24 hours to get the chlorine gone. Whats your guys take on the water and the chlorine? I did not fill my pots all the way to the top is it gona be a big deal? Also if i need to move the smart pots further from each other i am thinking two people grab each side?

Going to try to get 3 more clones today banana kush cotton candy and apricot guy told me it was really rare Moneys goin quick dates and growing are taken a toll on my wallet!! haha I will post pics soon.
The chlorine will kill off any bennys , if you plan on adding any, or if the soil you used might already contain them....DEChlorinating the water before use is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks bbbyy! Yea i just got home i watered my girls today with black strap mollasses and some crab meal. One of my plants is doing this though. Can anyone tell me whats going on? Everything looks great except for this one G 13.....

Kinda concerned.....


Active Member
the first pic that you had from a couple days ago looked like nitro def, but now this pic is most definitely not a deficiency but is most definitely burn. could be from nute burn, or your soil is too hot. after you mixed up your soil did you water it down and then let it dry out again before you planted? or did you just mix then plant?

Kali Soul

Active Member
Wad up socal sending u sum Kali luv by responding to ur question. Well first of all u want to know wat nutes i should recamend u, well ... have u heard of jacks classic ?? That shitt is da bomb and i costs very cheap! u wont find it in any hydro shops becuz of the quality and the price. Well u can find it @ jacks classic .com and i recamend u "The Dynamic Duo" its only like 10 bucks for both veg and flower nutes and the NPK is off da hook bratha try dat shitt out...Kali soul


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks bbbyy! Yea i just got home i watered my girls today with black strap mollasses and some crab meal. One of my plants is doing this though. Can anyone tell me whats going on? Everything looks great except for this one G 13.....

Kinda concerned.....
Hey bro, FYI...Blackstrap Molasses will block out "N" you should only use it during the last 2 weeks of Flowering ONLY!!!! Trust me I did a test!!!! I drowned a plant with Molasses before and documented on RM3's Thread: "The Truth About Flushing"!
I would flush your plant with 6.0ph plain tap water and then feed "N". Just make sure you flush three times the amout the container your plant is in. Example if its in a 1 gallon container than run 3 gallons of 6.0pH water through and 1 gallon of your nute mix after that. Its called Making It Rain and thats how I feed my plants all the time.

I also forgot to mention I grew G13 before, I will find some pics to post if you dont mind...I turned Hermi on me! But was still really good bud!!!!




Well-Known Member
Dam So i burned the heck outta my g 13? Yea i just mixed and then planted. I think it did it hot yet the banana and blue dream are doing fantastic in my mix!! So i cant figure it out. Take a look here is the blue dream

Here is the Banana : )

They seem to love my mix?


Well-Known Member
Also the guy that delivered the clones said on the g 13 i should cut all the lower stuff and it will just take off? What do i cut??


Well-Known Member
Every plant is different. A soil might be too hot fir one type and no way near enough for another. Watch your plants and they will tell you what they need. Don't use the molasses till your into flowering if at all.


Well-Known Member
I was told a couple applications of mollasses isn't bad because it feeds the microbes in the soil and is like steroids for them... But not to use regularly until flowering. Is that true?


Well-Known Member
It's kinda true. Don't use it until flower. If you use to much it will lock out other more essential nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Ok so i just let them do there thing and the burn will go away? What should i cut if anything? On the g 13 clones like the lower stuff??


Well-Known Member
You haven't added anything to the soil right? You could add some soil from your yard to make the soil not as hot but I wouldn't worry about it. Your plants went from indoors to outdoors so they will take a second to get used to the brightness of the sun. Also the clones are now sitting in a nutrient rich soil that their not used to either. Give em a good watering when they need it and they will bounce back and be fine. As far as cutting on the g13 I wouldn't. Your plant will discard the lower leaves if they don't need them so let the plant decide.


Well-Known Member
I know Blackstrap Molasses should NOT be used till last two weeks of Flowering, that shit locks out your "N". Your plant is not burned either IMO, its just has no "N" getting to it. If your plant was getting burned from the soil, the 1st tell tale are the Leaf tips, those would be crisp and and completely dried out. Your plant is not burned bro, its just got a lockout of "N". Flush the plant and feed without Molasses. The only reason I say this is because I did a lot of testing with Blackstrap Molasses. Regardless of the strain it will lockout "N".

I believe me and puffntuff mentioned earlier, you dont need nutes till your plant tells you it needs nutes. Especially in the soil you are using, you can get away with out giving nutes for at least a month with Fox Farms. Study and learn your plants, so you know what to give them when they want something. Almost like a wife or girlfriend...LOL

Oh I am a firm believer you should never clip any fan leaves, they will come off when they are ready. Mother Nature never clipped leaves off her plants so why should we?





Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
in ur 1st pics,the tips were looked like an adjustment they were going thru adjusting to ur opinion only.the last pics do not look burned.i would agree with bkb that they look yellow ,in need of n.but ur soil should have what they need rt now.again,only my opinion.i feed everyother feeding all the way thru with hi-brix molasses;without problems.not to contradict bkb.only stating my own.


Well-Known Member
in ur 1st pics,the tips were looked like an adjustment they were going thru adjusting to ur opinion only.the last pics do not look burned.i would agree with bkb that they look yellow ,in need of n.but ur soil should have what they need rt now.again,only my opinion.i feed everyother feeding all the way thru with hi-brix molasses;without problems.not to contradict bkb.only stating my own.
Correct you can use Hi-Brix Molasses throughout, its also good to flush with it too. Kingofqueen who is another grower on here told me about that product too, because he helped me w/Illumination on using Blackstrap. Good one KK you the man!!!!

Sorry I didnt see the other pic, I was talking about the pic in post #124. That is not burned.

