My First Real Guerilla Grow

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bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
the tall one with the dead leaves on the bottom smells amazing. fruity delight!! and the one with my hand is a close up of the top of it wich i think looks pretty healthy.

the one with mildew on the leaves is starting to form some nice colas. and as u can see the rest are just small, but hopefully they all add up to something decent.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
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heres the 2nd harvest of the year. these are the 2 biggest ones. on the right is the shorter one wich could have gone longer but it had some spots of boytris and i thought i should take it down before it spread. and the left is the tall beautiful smelling one. had no molds or mildews but it looked like it was ready to go and i wanted to make sure i got something. we'll see how they smoke in about a week.

There are still some smaller ones out in the jungle im going to let them go another week at least. see how far they can go. i would say the 6 plants have as much bud as you see right here. so far so good. and ill try and get better trich shots of these buds.:joint:

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
happy october, the fruity smelling stuff is starting to smell lemony! i might have had a seed from some slh and not even remembered saving it. i tried to get some closer pics but my camera sucks and cant focus.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
today i started smoking the stuff on the right (shorter plant that had mold probs) smells surprisingly good and a very good buzz. the lemony stuff is smelling good too and i am very happy with how they both turned out. those 2 added up to just over 2 oz....hopefully i wont have to throw out any more moldy buds. i might take down a couple more tonight, when i went out last week some looked ready to come home.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
thanks alot T-hawk, i took down all but one last night. had some budrot and one came down a little early but a couple of them smell amazing. and i cant belive how much they swelled over the last week. im thinking i got another 2 zippers plus the one sativa one left out there. going to wait untill a hard frost to get that last one. so i would say it has been a sucessful year. and i pretty much did it only feeding them, no pesticides, no animal repelants, no waterings besides the feedings, got lucky and only had 1 male. the only downside would be the mold and this one i took down early (only a 2footer but still could have gone another week +) ill get some pics up tonight. happy harvests!

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
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heres a shot of all the harvest so far in jars (90 G) and the 2 best closeups i could get. (i think its the same jar slh) this second batch was fluffier than the first but most of it smells amazing. hopefully that girl still in the woods will bring the total up over 4 oz.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
So i went out this morn and harvested the last one. when i got there it was leaned all the way over with the top bud touching the ground. had some mold issues but most of it looked good. only took like 30 min to trim up and only threw out about 5 nugets. the leaves are very sativa and there is no smell really. dont think ill see the 4oz mark this year but it was close. enjoy the pics and ive got a smoke report to write up about the other ones.
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9-14-11 005.jpg(all the way to the left 5 weeks ago..didnt get a new pic)

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
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(hanging on the right side)..this baby was attacked by some mold and mildew and was taken down a bit early thought there would be no smell and flavor but it surprised me as it dried and cured. and the high was a very strong sit and stare at the wall type. (with a smile) Its gone already but its been the best high so far. :leaf:

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
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This lady is the lemon haze, grew tall and smelled like oranges at first. the smell is still amazing to me A+ on smell/taste and the high is pretty damn good too. the highest yeilder of the year as well. dense nugs and plenty trichomes. this is the cream of the years crop for me.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
actually thats it for the reports too, all the rest are in the same jar so i cant really give a individual report. i know that some nugs are fluffy and smell like nothing, and then others smell like grape and a great stone. great year and hopefully next year will be even better.

thanks to anybody stiopping in and commenting. be easy.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
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the one all the way to thr left is the last one that got harvested and it sucks.:sad:

no taste or smell or high to be honest. i thought it would be a sativa high but its just a weakling. well theres always one ugly duckling. *ill just bring it to work to share lol.

as far as the other stuff, two thumbs up all around, and im glad i got a few different kinds.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
down to the last 4 gs ...its been a nice break for my wallet (havnt bought bud since before october) 10 weeks plus is alot of money. would have been longer if i didnt give away over a quarter. i plan on going on a nice break when i run out. hopefully i dont lose my mind.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea t-hawk its been a hell of a run. today is officially going to be the last day. only one small nugget left. i would say it saved me 700$ roughly (probably more). good bud is not cheap around here. Now i am at a crossroads, do i invest in an indoor project or just hold off untill next year and hope things go fairly smooth again. (while paying untill next fall:-|) definatly want to try and take a break. last time i did i had a bunch of energy and cleared my mind, i could actually remember my dreams, and then the low tolerance is always nice.....and its official no seeds at all from this years crop.

thanks for stopping in and i might continue this threa just posting random shit and thoughts untill i get the next project going

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
been weed free since sunday and it wasnt that hard, last time i had fuckin withdrawrels lol. plan on going untill new years if i can...i think im at a point in my life where its not worth the money, 100 zip that just gives me a headache or 350 a zip wich usually doesnt please me as much as it should. I smoke about a gram a day so its not worth a couple hundred a month to smoke. still thinking about getting a light, i looked at the spaceheater i use in my room and the shit is 1500 watts. i figured i could easily put a 400w and use that ventelation to heat my room.

and if you havnt seen it or havnt seen it in a while watch original kings of comedy, shit it hilarous.


It's now just before Christmas, how did your grow and harvest turn out??? I hope right now that you are curing it real slow in mason jars. This late spring you should have some terrific mellow smoke. :leaf::leaf: Symetre

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
lol i ran out a week ago, but thanks...i got kust over 3 oz and i gave some away so it didnt last too long. It definatly was some nice smoke. better than shit i pay big bucks for!.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
“In Florida, instead of medical-marijuana dispensaries, they have these ‘pain clinics’ where they sell OxyContin and Percocet. And even people from Middle America that don’t have these clinics, they drive to Florida to get drugs. Doctors there get paid $100,000 a month just to write prescriptions. So if you say, ‘I broke my finger years ago but it still pains me, Doc,’ they’ll give you a prescription. Plus some [of the ‘patients’] take these pills and resell them [on the black market]! That’s crazy, rather than having medical marijuana.”

This is from high times interview with sean paul, i just thought it was such a true statement i had to post it up. i want to be a doctor. (but this is really a big problem)
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