My First show..


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, i figure here is one of the better ways to introduce myself. This is my first setup, and im definitely still learning, but plants are doing very well, and ill keep this updated until im smokin them :joint:.
The room is about 20x5. actual growing area is about 5x5. I have a 9 pot constant drip hydro setup from general hydroponics, and a 1000w HPS light. Im also adding 18 more plants this week and another 400w halide lamp. Im running on 24hrs light at the moment and have been for a while. I put these babies in WAY too soon, and they werent ready, but i brought them back to life, and they are doing well. Ill post some pictures of the room, setup, and old and new pictures. Please feel free to post with any comments or questions.
HERE IS THE SETUP with too small of babies in it


Well-Known Member
Plants are at one month 7 days, and are looking great. They are on a regular feeding schedual and doing great.. I think they may be starting to show sex, but im not positive.. i have a few pictures but they are too blurry to see. Im not seeing any sacs anywhere, but most have only one hair like peice. im thinking maybe theyre still too young to sex.. Anyway, here are some more pictures.. any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
yeah, i have put more time than anything into this... jotting down notes and reading and watching everything i have time too ... buying bits and peices along the way because you know how expensive all the little stuff can be! i just cant wait to get rid of the chase and not have to pay $500 or so an oz..


Well-Known Member
also decided against adding the other 18 clones... im going to do them on my next cycle.. I switched to 18/6 3 days ago, and have noticed serious growth increases. Im not sure it thats because of the light cycle, or if the plants are just at a point where they grow fast.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, especially for a first grow. Keep it up!

You'll definately have some zips to smoke in no time :)


Well-Known Member
Its been 1 month 22 days. Plants are roughly 18 inches, and i just switched to flowering today. Here are some updated pictures!



Well-Known Member
Thanks.. for a first grow it definitely has impressed me... Any ideas what i should produce as far as bud goes? they look like an indica/afghani strain, and vegg'd about 2 months.


Well-Known Member
they are looking amazing... i dont think showing sex yet, but have been in flower for 5 days now. Shot up on average 1/2 inch a day or so...



Well-Known Member
ok so i check on these babies every other day, and update like so... I had an issue with my water lines (clogging up) and my levels were very low... only one plant showed signs of caring, but i did a heavy folier treatment, and got all their water levels right... they will be fine im sure :) On a better note, they shot up another 3-4 inches in 2 days! this is crazy.. i hope they dont get too much bigger or im going to have some serious space issues.



Well-Known Member
Could be female :D
Doesn't look like balls (male) , but hang on in there, you'll know for sure in about a week or so :D

Those plants are monsters bty :D


Well-Known Member
ok so the huge one in the pictures (stretching toward the light) is looking very male... i should know tomorrow :cry:... the smallest (the pic with the huge leave) in the very back is definitely female... Y COULDN'T IT BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!! Pic's tomorrow when they show a little more defined...


Well-Known Member
soo this is what SuperThrive does... hot damn, im glad i got a bottle of that stuff. i noticed you used to do 24/0 and switched to 18/6. there is a reason you noticed more growth in 18/6. it has to do with hormone regulation and TOC protein oscillation. read my biology lesson thread, im kind of a plant nut in grad school doing a thesis on cannabis, exciting. here is the link

the answer for why 18/6 is better is close to the top in the middle, you'll find it.

anyways, sorry for jacking your thread,
if i may, let me ask you another superthrive question, what ratio are you using, what i mean by that is, how many drops of superthrive per gallon of water, or in your case gallon of hydrosolution?