My first sprouts

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
I've been meaning to start growing for quite some time now, but for most of my life I lived in AZ where getting caught with even a bud leaf or seed is a felony, so I decided not to risk it until I got to CA. So I planted about 10-15 seeds in some cups a few days ago, and now I have one good sprout and another that looks like it's on it's way. I'm growing these outdoors because I don't have a proper indoor light setup yet, and as soon as I have $100 I'll get a prescription bud card, just to cover my ass (and maybe splurge on a nice bottle of prescription bud every now and then :-P). The sprouts are pretty small at the moment, but I'll get some pics up within the next couple of days. We'll see how AZ stress does in So Cal soil

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
This pic was taken about 36 hours after the plant first sprouted. It's an outdoor plant at the moment but I'll have to move it inside soon so my cat doesn't eat it


$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
The seedling got taller since yesterday, but now it's a lighter shade of green, as if it's dying. Did I kill it? If so, what did I do wrong? Over water it, underwater it, give it too much sunlight? Maybe I used the wrong combination of potting soil and dirt from my yard? Most importantly, can it be saved? Anyone with advice please post



Active Member
No man it should be all good i mean it seemslike there just growing but starting to stretch that not all that good if anything u should get a light just any kind perferably Flourescent that will do alright for it


Active Member
oo well then you may just wanna get it some more light some how but you definatly should it would help with stem and leave growth


Active Member
Its fine. I find that the new plant tissue is light green until it is saturated with photosynthesis and turns dark green. If the Leaves come out and they are blotched with light green or have a green rim, then there is a problem. Good luck with your grow!

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
It's in direct sunlight right now, has been for a few hour and will be for a few more. If anything I'd say it's getting too much light. idk, that light green coulor scares me. I've been watering it about 5 times a day, is that too much? But with that much sunlight the soil seems dry again after only a few hours. It's very sunny here


Active Member
Oh and when you bring it inside get some lights on it for at least 18 hours a day until its about a foot and a half tall. Remember a flowering plant can double or triple in size, so when it gets to a good hight, induce flowering by switching the light cycles to 12 hours of light a day. Also, the dark periods for the plant need to be absolutely dark NO LIGHT CAN GET IN!! NOT AT ALL EVER EVER EVER!!!


Active Member
About watering. Only water when the plants leaves begin to droop or the soil is dry to the touch, the entire length of your finger. This drooping is telling you the plant needs water on its own and is a pretty good indicator the plant needs water. The soil needs to dry out in between waterings so the roots can get oxygen, it is very important the plant get oxygen to the roots. Add about 25% perlite to your soil mix to help oxygenate the roots.

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
Alright thanks, I'll remember all that. And is your signature really true? That's crazy! WTF happened indeed!


Active Member
yeah ill be hacing a new grow log as soon as my camera is done charging 2marrow but anyways. i hope i can see your plants turn into amazing plants keep me updated


Well-Known Member
you only have to worry if it fails to cast off the seed casing. and you really shouldn't help it come off... it's like helping a bird out of the shell

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
skrypt said:
yeah ill be hacing a new grow log as soon as my camera is done charging 2marrow but anyways. i hope i can see your plants turn into amazing plants keep me updated
Tite bro I'll check out your pics tomorrow. Good luck :-)
Steadmanclan said:
you only have to worry if it fails to cast off the seed casing. and you really shouldn't help it come off... it's like helping a bird out of the shell
Yeah I figured it would be damaging to the plant to take off the shell, I was gonna let it do that on it's own. About how long should it take to pop off on its own? The seedling sprouted almost 3 days ago and it hasn't popped off yet. I'll be posting more pics as soon as it does so I can document the leaf growth.


Active Member
Alright thanks, I'll remember all that. And is your signature really true? That's crazy! WTF happened indeed!
Yeah man, my signature is true. Mari J was the key to becoming financially independent from England. Also, you can get 4x the amount of paper from an acre of hemp than of trees and it's up to 5x cleaner to process into paper.

I suggest reading up or watching some of the speech's on you tube about why weed is really illegal. Its disgusting. It's our government and greed... That's the only reason its illegal. Good luck on the grow bud!

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
Jenisonc said:
Yeah man, my signature is true. Mari J was the key to becoming financially independent from England. Also, you can get 4x the amount of paper from an acre of hemp than of trees and it's up to 5x cleaner to process into paper.
Yes, I've heard that before. It's ridiculous that we don't just use hemp still :roll:

Jenisonc said:
I suggest reading up or watching some of the speech's on you tube about why weed is really illegal. Its disgusting. It's our government and greed... That's the only reason its illegal. Good luck on the grow bud!
Yes, the fact that cannibas grows so naturally in almost any place in the U.S. makes it more profitable to the government to make it illegal and fine people for growing and being in posession of it. "Above the influence" commercials make me sick. All they serve to do is keep brainwashed people who think bud is bad thinking that bud is bad and should be categorized as a "drug". I've never once had the urge to yank on a horse's tail while stoned. Maybe while I'm really drunk or on crack, but not when smoking bud bongsmilie = :sleep:

Alright, picture 1- my seedling hasn't broken out of it's shell yet, but the stem is growing darker and taller and the shell is about to break any day now.

And picture 2- I just discovered this sprout this morning and I assume it's cannibas but I'm not 100% sure. It's probably one of the seeds that I planted before I mixed in the growing soil which caused it to be a couple of inches beneath the surface of the soil, because it looks like it has traveled quite a while already just to emerge from the soil and it's seed is already off.


$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
Last night was fuckin crazy! My uncle and his gf got in a fight and she threw his best guitar (Gibson SG that WAS in perfect condition) so he called the cops. Fortunately I heard him call the cops so I ran outback and hid all my pipes and my bong and plants just in time. At least 6 cops showed up in total. Of course several of the cops were being dicks and snooping around in my room with their flashlights (I must look like a stoner, heh) and I was thinking "Nothing happened here douchebags, go be assholes somewhere else". I got lucky they didn't check outback cuz they would have seen my plants and paraphernalia. The whole experience was a reminder of how badly I need to get a medi card.

Pic 1- my original sprout cast it's shell sometime last night and is getting taller every day

Pics 2 and 3- here is my second sprout and a third that I discovered just this morning. It seems dangerously close to sprout #2 and it doesn't seem as healthy as the others, but it's getting some sunlight right now so all I can do is wait and see what happens

