My first two plants


these are my first two plants ever,the first is from some reg weed that just popped up in late april in my back yard and i transplanted it. its about 3 weeks into flowering i think.

the second is from a dank seed. its a rather odd little girl.i planted it in early may and until a month ago it was still a sprout (due to not enough sunlight). i moved it into a pot and it has grown to this. it just started flowering and already smells of kb.



Well-Known Member
Next year top the plant when it's a foot tall it will double your yield ......Instead of one main cola, you will get up to 4 colas


Active Member
On your small plant, did you do anything to the plant during the early stage (I thinking about fimming, topping or sumtin like that) 'cause the way those two branches separate is pretty... odd. This might be why it remained so small, I feel u shocked it when it wasn't strong enough.

Nice first grow nevertheless!


ya,the little one had a lot of problems with bugs when it was still little. i have read about small plants like this that end up being covered in resin,i guess i will find out.


just chopped off the botton two branches so the top will produce more,there was a little bit of doesn't really smell at all,but looks pretty crystally in the are some pics



Well-Known Member
Yeah, why'd you cut those off? They would have turned into some nice smoke. I've heard the theory before of cutting bottom branches so that the top ones have more energy... But I have only done this with very small branches that got no light and I knew would not produce anything. Next time leave 'em. But good grow for your first time.


Active Member
dont listen to these guys...chop nugs off your plant whenever you want its your plant. and youre right it will help the top produce but in that late of a stage it doesnt help as much...tu che on the grow, looks good