My first very expensive closet grow with Blueberry


Well-Known Member

nice germ equipment.

my blueberry took quite awhile to germ. about 4 or 5 days i think...


Well-Known Member
Man i like what u got gon.. I have the Aero Garden and plan on upgradin to the stealth bubbleponics system.. I germinated my seeds in a paper towel.. I took 2 sheets of paper towels laid them flat the long way.. Then i took aluminum foil and cut a piece length of paper towels with inch more on each side.. I put the aluminum foil on the bottom and laid the paper towels on top.. I put 8 seeds randomly spread on the towels.. Then i soaked the shit out of them.. I folded the paper towel and aluminum foil in half and folded the edges of the aluminum foil over.. I put under a light for heat and watered everyday 2 times a day.. In about 4-5 days they all sprouted and i put the 5 healthiest ones into my AG.. Well hope i was a help and didnt confuse u.. I will be lookin for updates and pics keep up the good werk


Well-Known Member
Took a look at the seeds one seems dormant and the other one has shown a tap root approx 2-3mm long (its a little difficult to see the white taproot on white tissue sorry the rest of the pics will be much better), should I start to presoak the RW in PH 5.8? I did say Im gonna need help because I dont know what Im doing :?

Oh & someone please correct this: Last time when I presoaked RW I did so in PH 5.8 water for 1/2 an hour afterwards the PH raised to approx 7.3 is this a problem?



Well-Known Member
yea i can see that tap root. get ur soil ready, soak ur soil with water and put it in there about half an inch down and then under the light.

tbh if u need to PH ur water, then do so. i dont think seedlings care about PH'd water but obviously does it better.

my tap water was coming out neutral at 5.0 so i just left it alone and used the water straight out of the tap.


Well-Known Member
I'll be watching this one close iloveit.

Good luck!! Hope your blueberry comes out great


Well-Known Member
yea i can see that tap root. get ur soil ready, soak ur soil with water and put it in there about half an inch down and then under the light.

tbh if u need to PH ur water, then do so. i dont think seedlings care about PH'd water but obviously does it better.

my tap water was coming out neutral at 5.0 so i just left it alone and used the water straight out of the tap.

Hello again,
Im growing in HYDRO, this seed will be the mother plant which Ill keep in my Aquafarm and the clones I cut from it will be grown (after roots have been established) in my new Wilma Atami 4 pot system (Oooooo look at me, my brand new shiny shiny Atami). Sorry I just get excited on receiving new purchases after that long postal wait.

Anyway Im thinking of growing according to Al B Fucts "Get a harvest every 2 weeks" method, hope I can pull it off :neutral:

Erm any suggestions on the presoaking of the Rockwool (I know its not rocket science but really want this grow to be a successful one Eeek!


Well-Known Member
oops sorry, i have no experience or knowledge of hydro.

i think rockwool has to be soak but not dripping wet


Well-Known Member
So now that the taproot is visible Ill be placing it in 1.5" Rockwool. Anyone care to comment or advise on the next step of what exactly I should be doing.



Well-Known Member
you can check out my hydro it's my first i'm using rockwool in a flood and drain. at first i soaked those babies WAAAAY too much leaving the pump on all the time but i found out you really need to let it dry out quite a bit. the top 2/3 of the root system needs oxygen and rockwool holds water really well so i ended up just letting em dry out for over 2 days and they're looking a lot healthier,

haven't figured out my sig so well as you can tell but one of those links is to my hydro, it's been goin about 10 days


Well-Known Member
So Ive planted the germinated seed in presoaked rockwool (PH 6.0 though Im sure the alkaline from rockwool raised it more but then again someone mentioned that germinated seeds are not affected much by PH). I flicked off as much excess water as possible from the RW I think I may have overwatered last time. This time Im going to be watering less, (I hope the seed doesnt dry out, how can you tell? :confused:) make sure their is plenty of ventilation, control the temp & humidity at a constant and have the lights on 24/7.

From what youve read and seen (in the below pics) in this post is there anything I should do different?

Oh I almost forgot the RW on the right (in the 4th pic) is the one with the germinated seed the one on the left seemed as if the taproot wanted to let loose so I gave it a squeeze to loosen up the seed crack and planted it anyway out of curiosity.



Well-Known Member
Allow me to give you a mini tour of my 1st chamber (I sould have posted this earlier sorry):

In the 1st pic you can see the distance between the fluros and the propagator, sometimes it feels hotter outside of the propagator maybe I should take the hood off.

In the 2nd pic my fluros (which are on 24/7), 2 x 18Watts which are 60cm in length & in the centre is the out-take hole which is has a net on the otherside to filter any dust or debris that may get sucked in to the mother plant chamber (Ill post pics of the other chambers as I go along).

In the 3rd pic are 2 of the rockwool cubes (1.5") that the seeds are planted 1/2 inch down in (again germinated seed on the right and the other on the left, Im not expecting anything from that one though).
DOES IT MATTER THAT THE HOLES ARE NOT COVERED OR IF THEY ARE TOO WIDE? Because the seeds are in under direct light at this point you can even see the seeds in the pic.

The 4th pic shows the whole setup what do ya guys think?

Remeber my last two grows were a terrible failure this one must work so if any of you have any comments on how to improve this and I mean any comments then please state.



Well-Known Member
Never mind I sent AL B Fuct a few questions he straightened them out.
Ill get back to the journal when there is any change in the grow.


Well-Known Member
So I woke up this morning at took alook at the seeds to find that they are surrounded in a furry/fuzzy surface see pics.

Anyone have any knowledge of what this could possibly indicate & how this occurred?



Well-Known Member
I used to kill seedlings with rockwool...I read about others using rapid rooters and I haven't had a problem since. Once they seeds pop I put them under CFLs in the rapid rooters which I added water to ealier making sure the plugs absorbed plenty of water. Then I added more water every day to keep the tray wet. The plugs have GH micro that aids in root development. I let them stay in there until a strong root system is coming out the bottom of the plug. Then I just transplant the plug into a 4" rockwool cube that I pre-treat with a 30 minute soak in 5.8 ph water and then use a light mix of grow nutes to rinse out the cubes. Then I put in my hydro but I don't feed for a day or so. I have a top drip set up and when the cube starts to dry out in 2-3 days, I put the drippers into the bottoms of the rockwool. The roots really like the rapid rooter plugs and they are only $25 for 50 plugs and tray! Give that a try! protopipe1


Well-Known Member
Instead of making a closet or purchasing a tent or two I purchased a Closet "[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]The g-kit 400 combi with 400W cooltube and chambers for motherplants and clones[/FONT]"...
WoW...!!! iloveit... I LOVE IT...!!!!

Very nice.... a bit pricey one might agree... but you deff. have a tool that will work well for you for many years to come... if you look at the potential it has, right out of the box, it is a good investment over time... especially if aesthetics are a factor...

I just built my own grow tent... I've got about a thousand USD into it... but it will suit me well....

I will be following this thread... really looks like you are serious about it...

If you get a chance, check my journal out... the tent build starts on page 21...

Well, Best of luck.... and save me a chair...I'll be around...



Well-Known Member
Today is a sad day (again), the young beans got infected with mould due to over watering (No.1 noobi mistake huh) Al B Fuct has confirmed it.

This time Im ordering Root riot (they say it provides more oxygen) and give it another try with the help of our friend Mr H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide).

I need a few days to mourn before I begin sniff...sniff


Well-Known Member
WoW...!!! iloveit... I LOVE IT...!!!!

Very nice.... a bit pricey one might agree... but you deff. have a tool that will work well for you for many years to come... if you look at the potential it has, right out of the box, it is a good investment over time... especially if aesthetics are a factor...

I just built my own grow tent... I've got about a thousand USD into it... but it will suit me well....

I will be following this thread... really looks like you are serious about it...

If you get a chance, check my journal out... the tent build starts on page 21...

Well, Best of luck.... and save me a chair...I'll be around...


Thanks Gypsy B I appreciate your encouragement at the end of this grow Ill reveal a little secret but at the same time Im a little concerned that other people will try to imitate my setup & themselves in problems, youll know what I mean in the end.


Well-Known Member
Try this I love it. Im tellin u this werks never failed me yet and ive only had 1 seed not sprout. Never germinate in the AG.. I heard that u might flood the seeds from the pumps being on 24/7.. I always do the papertowel method.. I lay down 2 sheets of paper towel then cut a piece of aluminum foil same size of paper towels but leave a inch overlap on both sides. I put the aluminum foil on the bottom soak the shit outta the paper towels then place seeds down.. Fold it in half and fold the egdes over.. I put under a light for heat and watr 2 times daily.. 5 days and u should have at least 3-4 inch sproutings.. I had the same problem tryin to germinate in the AG. 2 seeds died or wouldnt sprout.. Replanted 2 more 1 made it and the other poked a lil white peker thru and never moved again.. Next time try my method and see what im talkin about..