my fist shot at growing hydro

blazed for dayz

Active Member
this is my sirst time growing inside.i've tried outdoors in the past when i was in highschool with no idea as to what i was doing.about 3 months ago i decide to try do it right.after pouring over tons of books and internet forums i decided i wanted to grow i made an ebb\flow system

this is my set up for a 2 1/2'x3''x7'
1 400whps w/mh conversion bulb
10rubbermaid tub for rez
8g tub for tray
1 136 gph water pump
gh flora nutes
4 6" mesh pots
im planning on getting some fans when i get paid on tuesday

i currently have 3 purple haze seedlings a friend gave me they are about a week old when he gave me them thay looked horrible but after i put them under the 400w mh conversion bulb they did a complete 180 looking beautiful now benn feeding them a 1/2 mutes solution once a planning on vegging for 2-3 weeks then switching to 12/12.i dont have a camera at the moment


Well-Known Member
My 2 suggestions would be a bigger rez(27gallon tough box at home depot for $11)
and are you just going to put the net pots in the table by themselves, the roots will grow out of those pots almost immediately, if you just fill your entire table with clay pebbles then your roots will have much more room, no need for pots at all.


Well-Known Member
My bad but you will run into the same problem, mine grew out the bottom of my regular square pots before long, im not saying it wont work just giving some ideas.


Well-Known Member
Well a flood and drain is pretty versatile so you can go with your way with the mesh pots then if it looks like a problem you can just fill the table with pebbles around them. One thing that ive noticed since ive started growing vegetables is that a lot of them have a smaller root system than cannabis, especially mature flowering cannabis, so when the people sell you this they might not be considering the size of plant you are going to be growing in these pots. But either way you are on the right track and you are going to grow some good bud.

blazed for dayz

Active Member
thanks man i was worried about the roots 2.this is my first grow so im pretty much just experiment trying to get my technique down

blazed for dayz

Active Member
so i've been feeding the 3 seedlings a 1/2 strength nute solution for a couple days now everything seems to be going ok i've been told that i shouldnt do this does anyone have any opinion on this

blazed for dayz

Active Member
today my 400w mh conversion bulb died so now im using my 400w hps for my seedling.tryimg to sell my 360 fpr some cash to get a new one

blazed for dayz

Active Member
2 seedlings have died.Im pretty sure i gave them nutes 2 early.the one i do have left is suffering from nute i drained a cleaned the res and filled with staright water with a ph 6 hopefully it will bounce back if not i have some seeds germing right now


Well-Known Member
You will be fine vegging with the hps, i usually dont feed my plants until i start seeing a deficiency. Hopefully the clean water will recover the one. Remember easier to recover from deficiency than burn.