My flowering closet and electricity questions?


Active Member
Alright so I am getting my closet ready for flowering plants I have a lot setup but it still needs a few things you can suggest things and give me advice but My main question is will it do for flowering And give me some nice buds?

And another question I have is how much more will I be paying On the electric bill I stopped using the old school light bulbs in the bathroom and put just 2 23 watt cfls instead of 4 40 w regular light bulbs so I am hoping that helps to lower things. Cause for some reason i don't know why.... but its been high it might be the AC running on 73 all the time Not sure.


The Setup
Lights: 8 23 watt CFL's
1 42 watt CFL
All are 2700k.

So will this run my bill up Any


Well-Known Member
yea that works, but if you put a reflect right above the bulbs and line walls with mylar you will get more. as far as electric bill goes just add up all the watts you where using and all the watts your using now then subtract that from 1st sum and you will see how many more watts you are using


Active Member
Hmm But these things are supposedly energy sufficient I just wanted to know will it cost a lot to run them. Do Cfls usually use up alot of electricity?


Active Member
not to much dude they are energy efficient cause they are equivilent to whatever it will say on the box of the bulb ie 150w.
plus theres a way to add your electricity check what your local electric company charges per kilawatt hour...a kilawatt is a 1000 watts


Active Member
another thing is m8 if you arnt using them in your own house sockets you should replace your old bulbs with cfls it would make your bill even less.


Active Member
not to much dude they are energy efficient cause they are equivilent to whatever it will say on the box of the bulb ie 150w.
plus theres a way to add your electricity check what your local electric company charges per kilawatt hour...a kilawatt is a 1000 watts
And Ok I will look up on that and try to add things up. Ty


Active Member
no problems i aint got an ac so i wouldnt know the wattages of it but for fans pc fans circulate air good and they are low wattage as well so i would use them instead of say a 30w oscillating fan and some good extractor fans are low wattage too compare the wattages of them if your gonna get 1.

good luck on your grow you shouldnt be too worried about the cost remember a hd tv would probably use up more electric than your hole grow im just using that as an example


Well-Known Member
your ac uses more power than your lights by alot. if ac does not turn off that will run your bill up fast. make sure your not creating neg pressure in your home by venting your grow area into attic or out of house that would cause your ac to run longer than it should.