My Formal Journal!


My Box is 24"wx24"Dx42"H

Medium: Personal mix, top soil, potting soil, perlite

Lights: 12 x 23w cfl, soon to be 16 when i start flower

Ventilation: 10 inch diy exhaust fan, computer fan intake, one small desk fan for circulation

Nutes: 10-15-10 flowering nutes, starts with 12/12 really soon

Strain: Shiva and Bagseed

Techniques: failed fim, LST

they are 24/hr light right now, gettin ready to put them into flower any day now

Temp stays at about 77 and my humidity stays around 30%


Pics 1-4: Day 10 Veg

Pics 5-6: Day 12 Veg

Pics 7-10: Day 16 Veg + LST

Dude.... clean that damn fan off!!!! And clean ur room too while ur at it:mrgreen:
Im not worried about the fan, plants dont naturally grow in sterile enviroments,the grow outside with tons of dust and shit, they are a weed,it will be ok

Sent them into flowering last night, woke up today and they are exploding with new growth, will get pics tomorrow when they are even bigger :D

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
How are they looking? Are they still cupping and curling over slightly like in the last pics? Mine were the exact same till i got my ph lower. Now all of they're new growth is perky and happy. More pics!!
Well we are in 5 days into flowering, 3 of the LST bushes are showing preflowers, two are showing hairs, one looks female but is to early to tell, so I have 3 left to show sex, and my two small plants that im just messing around with lol, then I can throw out all the boys and put the girls in bigger pots, anyways here are some pictures of the plants and my nice even canopy of budsites :) oh the pic of the big bush in the cab with the little fuck around plant....thats one of the girls!!!

Oh and one of the pics is of hairs but my camera sucks, trust me they are there



Well-Known Member
12/12 lights, hopefully i only hafta flower for 6-7 weeks cause its pretty indica heavy
Lol you are dreaming man
You are going to have to go AT LEAST 8 weeks for it to be fully mature
I have never seen a plant come to full maturity in 6 weeks flowering
I have heard of alot of different instances where peoples plants finished early, and at maturity on these forums and others like it, Indicas flower faster than sativa, certain strains and phenotypes finish at different speeds, i dont see how it is unreasonable at all, i could take longer, but it is deffinatly possible especially with this indica heavy strain
I will get more pics tonight, all my lst plants showed sex....drumroll.......4 of 6 are fem!!, and my small fuck around plants haven't shown anything yet, so they are still in there, the 4 girls got transplanted into bigger pots, given low dose nutes and superthrive to resist stress, i will get pics later on of the girls for ya guys
Sorry I have been too busy watching white hairs pop up, the fuck around plants are both female too, so i have 6 in flower, one of the fuck around plants got lst and is really gettin big, like the bigger lst plants, and the other fuck around plant has gotten heavy pruning, only two budsites on it and just a few fan leaves, im just experimenting with it, i will get pics tomorrow, looks like in a week i will see real bud formation
Day 17 Flowering

Pistils shooting out on all the girls, really starting to get goin, looks like i will see real bud development in about 4 days

lolipopped the hell out of one of the fuck around plants, and supercropped the other fuck around plant to see what happens

Girls are all looking good and healthy, got a pic of the babies in veg too

Well enjoy the pics of the girls and the enthusiastic baby buds

