My friend got raided


Active Member
found out the other day a friend of mine had thier house raided by 10 police early in the morning. they had just had a air conditioning unit fitted recently and apparently a neighbor called the police about the extraction fan pumping air outside and they thought they were growing ganga lol. they werent and dont even smoke it. both around 40 years old and managers of their jobs not the type you would expect to do anything.

so do police really have the right to do this on such a short hunch?

in the U.K.


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
They have the right to do anything we don't challenge. To answer the question, no they do not. Sound like they have a nice little lawsuit on their hands. The problem is that in all probability they'll not want to make waves, or won't want to piss off the powers that be. In any case, they probably won't sue. It happens daily. The problem with that is that common practice becomes de facto law. When we don't protest abuse of the constitution, we're in effect telling them we support them doing so. They begin to think they have the right.
More than "just a hunch" or a tip from the neighbors justifies a search warrant. That by itself is NOT enough probable cause for a warrant. It amazes me that they can get a judge to sign off on that weak of evidence.
Google search Barry Cooper, or Kop Busters. It's really informative.


Active Member
Actions like this confirm to me that we live in a fascist police state. Anyone who disagrees should read some definitions of police states or fascism so their mind can be changed! Jack above is spot on about the consequences of apathy, it is why we cannot go anywhere in the UK without a fucking spy camera watching us. Peace W


Well-Known Member
If that happened in the US, I'd be pissed.!! I think that's why we celebrate July forth here lol


Well-Known Member
found out the other day a friend of mine had thier house
raided by 10 police
early in the morning. they had just had a air conditioning unit fitted recently and apparently
a neighbor called the police
about the extraction fan pumping air outside and they
thought they were growing ganga
lol. they werent and dont even smoke it. both around 40 years old and managers of their jobs not the type you would expect to do anything.

so do police really have the right to do this on such a short hunch?

in the U.K.

No they cant raid on a hunch esp 10 police, they have to get a search warrant from a judge and convince him that there is criminal activity there(a nieghbour complaining about exhaust noise isnt near enough). And how do they know it was the nieghbour?, the cops wouldnt tell who blew the whistle on them, thats a secret. You will find they are involved in something illegal and its serious for cops to send ten officers there.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If that happened in the US, I'd be pissed.!! I think that's why we celebrate July forth here lol
Manufacturing marijuana? What about manufacturing evidence? That's a crime, too. Right?
Man, It happens here daily. You want to see something funny? Watch this: this will make you sick: and visit this site: . I just wish we could all do something like this to keep the bastards on their toes. They'd have to think more than twice about manufacturing evidence.
Generally if a case goes to trial, the defendant can generally win. Problem with that is unless you bond out (mine was $250,000 for 6 months) you sit there for a looonngg time. (I personally know a guy who has been awaiting trial for over 2 years, sitting in jail the whole while!!) By the time the state comes at you with a "deal", you are so friggin' tired of being locked up, MOST people opt to plead to a lesser charge. Thus, the cops get away with manufacturing evidence 'cuz that fact never makes it into court.
Barry set up the Odessa cops and tricked them into raiding a fake grow op on the basis of an "anonymous" tip, and empty potting soil bags in the trash cans. The cops then manufactured enough evidence to convince a judge they had probable cause for a warrant!!! I love it!!!


Well-Known Member
oh, your in the U.K. - heh.. yeah I have no clue what the laws in the U.K. are.

if you were in the U.S. - I could help.. but your not.. so I can't.

good luck



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
found out the other day a friend of mine had thier house raided by 10 police early in the morning. they had just had a air conditioning unit fitted recently and apparently a neighbor called the police about the extraction fan pumping air outside and they thought they were growing ganga lol. they werent and dont even smoke it. both around 40 years old and managers of their jobs not the type you would expect to do anything.

so do police really have the right to do this on such a short hunch?

in the U.K.

a fucking cop thinks he has the right to rap also. they do what they want when they want. nobody is going to stop them. they have the badge of god..


Active Member
and apparently he had some sort of silver blind on his bedroom window as he dosent like light in his bedroom. im guessing they thought it was mylar. he wasnt actually growing anything so they're not pissed or anything in fact he found the whole thing funny. and yes they did have a warrant to search the house.

and just so were sure it wasnt me involved in this it was truly a friend of a friend, and i dont have time to make up stories so please dont make out like i am i haveb better things to do with my time.


Well-Known Member
Pesonally I wouldn't think it was funny and I would let myneghbor know that at some time in the future he wasn;t going to think so either. Some cops or most maybe, don't just put on a badge, the pull on a cape also. Those are the ones I hate and since I can't tell them apart I just take no chances and hate every one of those FUCKERS