my friends plants growth has slowed to a stop


first grow indoors my friend had a real gheto setup but plants were growing great.with only 1 4' flouresent balast with 2 2700 bulbs and one out door heat lamp for temp control plants were thriving i was very impressed good green color great growth in 4 wks plants are around 2.5 to 3feet however he went and got another set of 4 ft tubes @6500 lumens and 4 cfls and did away with heat lamp and the plants went from growing into the light daily(a 1" or 2) to nothing i am still in veg so i dont understand and roots also have plenty of space thanks


Well-Known Member
yeah if its super cold where you live right now.. they might need some heat back in there.. too cold of temps will bring growth to a halt.


Well-Known Member
LMAO... such a lier!!! LIES LIES LIES!!!!

he's tried to play it off like it wasn't his plant.. because he's nervous about growing I think.

If you re-read his very first post.. carefully.. you'll see what Im talking about.



i know who i am! but i dont know who u are.why are u so interested if plants belong 2 me or a friend i was just being an inquiring mind everthing i post on here is pure fiction thanks.


i know who i am! but i dont know who u are.why are u so interested if plants belong 2 me or a friend i was just being an inquiring mind everthing i post on here is pure fiction thanks.
i apologize for trying to get all of the information so as to offer the best advice for you, but seeing as how your are posting fiction I guess I do not need to waste time here and can save good advise for people who are really growing.