my Germination method


Active Member
i know everyone has there own personal germination method that works for them, some much more complex than others, i have tried many but will explain how i do it (am sure many also do this, not claiming it as my own idea)

the problem with the paper towel method i find is that its easy to damage the ery delicate root stem, even by using tweezers etc, its hard to not touch anything, also its easy to get mold on the root, and finally, be careful on the material you use, some towel's have chemicals/soloutions in them that can adversly effect the seeds

this is my method, which i have used 3 times, each with 10 seeds and each time i have grown 9 plants from them (damn that tenth seed!)

get a mug, half fill with water, drop seeds into water, place upsidedown saucer on top of it, place in warm dark area for 24 hours

by this time usually 2 or 3 seeds sometimes more, have the smallest crack

carefully place seeds half inch deep in your pottiing medium, water well, but not so much that the water comes out the bottom of your pot

wait a couple of days and hopefully you should have lots of nice babies

i have found this method less risky than paper towel, less chance of damage, and also that all the seeds pop there heads above ground within 12 hours of each other.

ofcourse this is not a revolutionairy idea, plenty of people use it, but for any new people reading this, give it ago, simple and easy :)

the widowman

Well-Known Member
yep thats what i do i wait until i see the crack in the seed then i transfer to the soil. i don't wait until the root is half a centimetre out the seed.


Active Member
yeah i find it works really well, without the risk of damaging the root, i find the paper towel method is just overkill


Well-Known Member
Yea i think this is the best method. i find in paper towels the tap roots have a tendancy to curn, like loopty loop, and this is a piss off bc i think it affects the plant.


Active Member
i heard using distilled water for soaking helps even further. but could not get hold of some but did not seem to make much difference

i was going to soak until they all cracked but did not really see the need too, once i couple popped, in they all go

i finally gave up on the tenth seed, he just did not want to come out and play lol


Well-Known Member
why do we do it any other way to begin with. i'm just wondering why marijuana is one of the only seeds to be germed other than in the ground.


Great Post!!

i put them in water 24 hours untill they crack, then straight to soil, or grodan cube, that way i don't damage small root hairs by lifting seed out of paper towel, my seeds pop there heads out of the soil within 24-48 hours, i also put them under light right after thy go in the soil i set them about 4-5 feet from a 400 watt HPS untill they sprout, this is faster than leaving them in the dark, although many will tell you they don't need the light untill the cotyledons are above the soil, i think that's bs i've done it both ways many times and they sprout faster when i put them under light right after, just make sure the light is not to close.


Active Member
actually FDD thats a great point, never have i heard anywhere that other plants require papertowel germination

i think we sometimes overcomplicate matters with cannabis, i just dont think the paper towel is needed at all, it works ofcourse but just makes it more likely to cause damage to the seeds/root
