Well-Known Member
Apparently not because I have had likes and rep from this thread.
I think everyone wishes your suicide attempt would have worked, including your mother.
Apparently not because I have had likes and rep from this thread.
Ehh I don't know bro suicide is pretty harsh, this guy just deserves a harsh ass kicking from a body builder.
he's the one who wants to use suicide to get attention, now he wants to use beating women for attention. I mean it be better he took his own life before somebody else takes it and ruins their life in the process. Ya dig? Cuz if that was my sister...
WHY,WHY,WHY did ya have to bring that name up, i can just feel that knife........This thread brings back memories of Lorena Bobbit...yikes
do we know for sure it wasn't his sister
Ehh I don't know bro suicide is pretty harsh, this guy just deserves a harsh ass kicking from a body builder.
Good point sir, hope he gets his ass kicked by a bunch of elementary kids.see that wouldn't work, or be good justice.
so you get beat up by a body builder? big deal, he's twice your size and trains on the regular... it was bound to end in you getting your ass kicked
needs to get his ass handed to him by someone half his size.
idk what i would do if a guy hit me...
it still wouldn't make it ok for someone to hit you
idk what i would do if a guy hit me...
Five times you used the word "I."idk, knowing me, id problably blame myself.
i say some fucked up shit sometimes
There's another one; just while compiling this post!lol i can take a hit, but yeah, what you say is true.
I've noticed that quite a few times in other posts she's done.Five times you used the word "I."
Two times - "me."
One "myself."
You referenced yourself EIGHT times in TWO posts.
There's another one; just while compiling this post!
NINE times in THREE posts.
You are one self-absorbed motherfucker.