My Ghetto Gas Station


Well-Known Member
The people who own damn near every gas station and convenient store in the Detroit area are from a certain country that we have recently liberated. They have amassed tremendous wealth largely from the money they steal from the welfare system. I know because they are my neighbors.

How it works is a guy comes in with food stamps, they give him about .30 on the dollar and they redeem them for full value, tripling their money. Then the person blows the cash on stupid shit like payments on spinner rims that he financed at usurious interest rates from the cousin of the guy who owns the party store.

So, in the end, the people in the ghetto stays po' while our certain middle Eastern business owners (who are as obnoxious as they come) drive around in hummers acting like the world is their toilet.

Ah, but the Liberals feel so good about themselves.
ok what you need to do is hang out at the store and when you see this going down you tell them to stop or you will have to report them. Take out your cell phone camera and take pictures of them..then take down their names..oh yeah ask all the people in the store their names and address as well so they can be witnesses ......tell me how it goes ;-)


Well-Known Member
Dear Mr. President:

During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient whose smile revealed an expensive shiny gold tooth, whose body was adorned with a wide assortment of elaborate and costly tattoos, who wore a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and who chatted on a new cellular telephone equipped with a popular R&B ringtone.

While glancing over her patient chart, I happened to notice that her payer status was listed as "Medicaid"! During my examination of her, the patient informed me that she smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and somehow still has money to buy pretzels and beer.

And, you and our Congress expect me to pay for this woman's health care? I contend that our nation's "health care crisis" is not the result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather, it is the result of a "crisis of culture", a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on luxuries and vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. It is a culture based in the irresponsible credo that "I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me".

Once you fix this "culture crisis" that rewards irresponsibility and dependency, you'll be amazed at how quickly our nation's health care difficulties will disappear.



Well-Known Member
Why do I necessarily have to be suggesting anything to post an observation?

But, since you asked. My grand plan would be to build well structured farming communes and assign people jobs. Some would farm, others prepare the food, others care for the elderly, etc. You don't work, you don't eat. This is the system they have in Israel and it works great. In fact, young people often live in them for a while just for fun - like a summer camp.

yeah I totally agree we should have those guys trading food stamps for liquor money watching granny nothing could ever go wrong there. It's totally fiscally responsible to complain about the government giving a family 5000 bucks a year instead of complaining about housing 1 inmate for a year at about 40,000 dollars.


New Member
Well, put the inmates in charge of foodstamp fraud. Let them bash anyone mis-using foodstamps, steal the weed and beer, and sneakers, and quit robbing liquor stores and raping teenagers and old ladies. I'm sure they could see the advantages of following the rules. Rick lives in Detroit????


New Member
A man just moved into a new house. He sees his neighbor across the way, and curious, asks him "So what are folks like in this neck of the woods?"

The neighbor replies "What were they like where you used to live?"

The man says back "They were stupid, lazy, thieving assholes."

The neighbor says "You'll probably find the same folks here then."


Active Member
Okay ,I grew up in the ghetto and I have money,So when Im with my freinds that I grew up with (poor ghetto but good peaple)guys like you sterotype me as a broke when im with them buying smokes..................When iM At work Im dressed very well......but When I get home I change And probaly look like a broke guy buyng smokes at the liquerr store and cashing in my welfare

Ive been sterotyped my whole life cause of my mexican black friends and its BS

IM in LA


Well-Known Member
Huh, Where I live isn't quite the ghetto, but it's not that far away. I live in an area thats mostly filled with immigrants from Mexico or other places in South/Central America, and it's not exactly a wealthy area. I bought out in this area for two reasons- it was close to work, and until I can pay off my student loans it's what I can easily afford. I'm an accountant, and while I'm still fairly new to the field (1 1/2 years on the job now) I make pretty decent money. I also have a very keen eye for what things cost, and I can't figure out how the family down the street that's got one adult working full time at a restaurant, another working part time as a maid, and three kids to feed can still manage to live a lifestyle I can't afford. I also can't help but be annoyed when I go to the grocery store and see someone wearing expensive clothes and driving a 30k+ car whip out the food stamp card to pay for her groceries.

Look, I have no issue with helping those who really need it, but the level of fraud in the welfare and aid systems has gotten totally out of hand. There are too many people out there that could work, but chose not to because it would mean losing some of their aid. I've got a co-worker that won't ever work overtime because even a few extra hours would put her over the line to receive food stamps. That wouldn't bother me except for the fact that she has a husband thats perfectly capable of working that won't go get a job. From my point of view cutting off their food stamps would force him to get off his lazy butt, find a job, and become a productive member of society. Heck, if he would work even 25 hours a week he would bring home more then they receive in food stamps every month, and that's at minimum wage.


Well-Known Member
I work in the city - I live in the suburbs.

I must say that it is almost comical seeing how far many of you go to support your dogma any way you can. It is clear you are twisting the clear and obvious logic of the situation with all the convoluted, specious reasoning you can muster. Who needs the truth when praying at the alter of Liberalism.

The attempts are quite pathetic actually. They are the same old saws about generalizations, stereotypes, lack of compassion, etc.

The fact is, social programs typically fail, and they do so due to the reasons discussed in this thread among others. Subsidizing people's existence is a sure way to promote poverty and misery. And when the Government does it, abuse, fraud, and massive waste are guaranteed outcomes.


Well-Known Member
Republican agenda: War against the poor, and WhiteRick is simply doing what his God Hannity is telling him. If there is a hell its full of right wing nuts.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why do I necessarily have to be suggesting anything to post an observation?

But, since you asked. My grand plan would be to build well structured farming communes and assign people jobs. Some would farm, others prepare the food, others care for the elderly, etc. You don't work, you don't eat. This is the system they have in Israel and it works great. In fact, young people often live in them for a while just for fun - like a summer camp.

Short of that, people should at least be assigned jobs in a workfare system. And I would base the system more on providing actual subsistence than money. Giving money is a disaster on many levels.

Also, people receiving Government money should have to take regular drug tests. A guy with no job has no business smoking weed or worse.
What you are describing sounds alot like the old system of "county farms". It is a very practical solution, that's why government won't do it anymore. All of the various agencies would lose their bureaucracies. Bureaucrats need "poor people" so that their jobs shuffling papers remain intact.

Giving a person an opportunity to feed themselves is charitable and should lead to self reliance and self respect if the person is able bodied. Forcing people to contribute to feeding others that won't work to feed themselves is impractical, yet that is the system we have and it has grown exponentially since WW II.

Eventually it will topple and the sheer numbers of people that have been involved in that system will feel betrayed.
It could be dangerous to live in dense population areas if the welfare checks and other entitlement programs stop.

Hungry people that are used to being subsidized will likely not react well to the

One problem with "entitlement" programs is they do not teach independence, they foster "dependence".


Active Member
I work in the city - I live in the suburbs.
Really, now?

The attempts are quite pathetic actually. They are the same old saws about generalizations, stereotypes, lack of compassion, etc.

The fact is, social programs typically fail, and they do so due to the reasons discussed in this thread among others. Subsidizing people's existence is a sure way to promote poverty and misery. And when the Government does it, abuse, fraud, and massive waste are guaranteed outcomes.
Man...don't you just hate generalization.

Your idea for what to do with the underclass is actually exactly what jeremy bentham suggested 200 years ago. Look up the poor laws in a history book sometime. It failed, pretty miserably...

It's also funny that you hold up israel as this shining example. Kibbutz's are hardly forced labor colonies for poor people. There's also usually an ideological underpinning, mostly towards the left, but some of them are religious. Israel also has rates of taxation and public services that are about the same as western europe. The state of israel provides public pensions, healthcare and controls something like half the economy. if america had anything like Israel's social policy for the poor, elderly and sick, you would actually be right to claim that we were headed down the road of socialism....


Well-Known Member
Every time I wind up in line at my ghetto gas station I wind up behind someone buying cigarettes, lottery tickets or blunt wraps. Seems like every person in line buys blunt wraps.

Now, this is in the Detroit ghetto where everyone is dirt poor (supposedly). So I wonder, where do all the "poor" get money for weed, cigarettes and lottery tickets? And since just about all of them are on welfare, it means they are getting money that was taken from someone who very well could have had to pass a drug test to earn the money. And, those people may also work at jobs in which they can't smoke cigarettes. So, while the people paying the tab are at their drug free, non smoking job working, the welfare recipients are smoking blunts and cigarettes. One also has to imagine their time would be better spent looking for a job than getting high - ah but who needs a job...
some of them may have jobs. just because you work in the day dosen't mean that every one dose. when i use to live in dallas i use to get strang looks from people when i would buy beer at 7am. after i got off work. most probly thought there goes an other alcholic. but when you buy beer at 7pm nobody gives a second thought.


Well-Known Member
ya know at first i thought everybody here that was slappin this thread down were people who lived far away from the ghetto and had know real clue ,but now its starting to look like they are the welfare recipients themselves. i dont see to many people payin for the next guy to have what ever they have(that we the tax payers still cant have even if we wanted it) wether we buy them crack ,or dubs of what ever else these people buy themselves with our money and not complain. and to all the clowns in here sayin shit like "what would you do " or "so your sayin just throw out the system" think what you must but you too are either on the payin side or the reciveing side. yeah that means YOU buy these people crack ,weed, boose, smokes ,lotto OR your a welfare recipient too.
rick white may live in the D , that dont mean shit he may also smoke weed and that dont mean shit but what does is that he PAYS FOR THE FUCKIN SHIT HIMSELF, with his money . and again YES THERE ARE DESERVING WELFARE RECIPIENTS but those are not the ones we complain about.


Well-Known Member
how much money do they give you in detroit? in cali if you get welfare you have to work and between welfare and a job you can barely survive. welfare doesnt give you close to enough to pay rent. i know their are people who abuse the system but for those who need it it's not enough and its not set up to get you a job that pays enough to get off welfare. it seems to be set up to keep you in the system they make it difficult to do anything else. they should give you a job a 40 hour work week near your home...yeah thats still 'big govt' but i think of the better kind. like the Roosevelt C.C.C. programs or something...Bring back the "Tree Army'


Well-Known Member
In Detroit we have a high percentage of people who live exclusively off of welfare. Even people with jobs collect all kinds of benefits on the side. I don't know exactly what their entitlements are or how they do it (probably illegally) but it seems it is common for able bodied people to collect disability in addition to general assistance, help with their bills, money for kids, food stamps, etc. One guy bragged to me that he brings home $400 per week total just from welfare and didn't need to work.

This is the reality of our welfare system. What we need is workfare. We have Mexicans coming here illegally to work while our own people take a free ride. It really is outrageous. We have neighborhood parks that need cleaning, lawn of elderly people that need mowing, and all sorts of public services that need doing. Why can't these people be put to work in this capacity?

I'll tell you, one big reason is the unions - the ultimate American expression of Leftist entitlement mentality. The unions get real pissed at the prospect of work being taken from them. Funny how one institution of Left wing agenda can be fully at odds with another. Ah, but why solve problems when government can dole everyone.