My Ghetto Venture


Active Member
I'm really putting that whole theory to test, about marijuana being a prolific weed that will grow in spite of you. Just gonna share the story so far, maybe encourage other newbies that might get intimidated by the shopping list and science behind truly stellar homegrown.

I recently moved to a new town and therefore had no contacts. I knew it was going to be hard, so I had already started picking seeds out of decent bags, and sticking them in one of those 35mm film containers. Looking back, it's a wonder they germinated :)

Anyhow eventually I wound up with a large collection of seeds in various states of crappiness. After yet another dry spell in between shaky leads, I decided to go for it.

I got some Miracle Gro potting mix (soil and mulch and plant food and crap all in one) out of the garage and a plastic coffee mug and stuck about 9 seeds down in a hole. To my surprise, like half the seeds germinated and sprouted. I actually had to keep an eye on it and choose a "strong" one to allow to live and pluck the others.

Anyhow, I did something stupid and that plant died. So I tried again. This time a better effort. Bigger pot to make room for root growth without having to transplant. It gained height much slower, as it was spending most of its time spreading out underground I assume.

I bought a 10" brooder lamp housing and a 65W (300W equiv) full spectrum compact fluorescent bulb. I chose it for long life, full specturm of light closer to daylight, and low heat and low power draw.

I water it when the soil starts to look too dry, every night or every other night, not too much water.

I put it on 24 hour light from day one, and at about a foot and a half of height I put on a light timer and set it to 12 on/12 off as recommended by folks on the internets. After a week or so, those little white hairs I so wished would sprout, sprouted. Confirmed female. YAY!

She's 23" tall now, has large green leaves, and is branching out like crazy, with pistils popping up at the joints. Based on reading, I figure I'm at best 1 month and at worst 2 months from having a sample.

If it sucks, I give myself one more try and after that I'll call it three strikes and figure I don't have the knack. If it doesn't suck, I gotta look for a more reasonable place to keep it. It's a little exposed right now, and I have to scramble any time we have workmen over.

I'll keep running it 12 on/12 off lightwise, make her think it's one long summer and keep takin flowers as long as she'll give em. Then after that I guess I have to learn how to do a clone :)


Well-Known Member
wow sounds good thus far. seems like i may be watering my babys too much, exactly what i don't want to do. i get a little nervice when the soil gets a little dry, keep forgetting the roots need air too. a lot of ppl here go with a 18/6 light rotation for growing, have you tried that at all, or mainly stuck with the 12/12?


Active Member
Stuck with 12/12 the whole time, but now that I've read over some other folks' setups and seen how much more potent their lighting rigs are, I'm tempted to do a longer day to make up for my relatively low wattage light. But I'm not gonna change anything just yet I don't think. Though I am curious, if the plant would think "oh, longer days, it must be really getting into season now I better flower more."

Y'know, if plants could think ;)

If you think your soil is too wet, check the pot you're planting in. Make sure it has drainage at the bottom. Don't want those roots to rot!


Active Member
12 on - and 12 off induces the plant to flower- so having a longer day would slow it down i think


Well-Known Member
I'll keep running it 12 on/12 off lightwise, make her think it's one long summer and keep takin flowers as long as she'll give em. Then after that I guess I have to learn how to do a clone
OK just letting you know for informational purposes. 12/12 lighting cycles is fall light... 18/6 lighting cycles is the long summer days.

18/6 is used generally in veg rooms and 12/12 obviously in budding room. (not sure if you're using 2 rooms or not)

If you want to I can help you deisgn a nice grow room somewhere where you live. We could talk through PM's or w.e about that.. You could just take pics of an area where you want it or if you don't have a say closet in your room. then I can design something from scratch for you.


Well-Known Member
yeah, my plant pots do have have some hole at the bottom for the extra water to drain out, though haven't see that happen yet. using premixed soil which is pretty loose/

Nelson Mutz

Well-Known Member
Stuck with 12/12 the whole time, but now that I've read over some other folks' setups and seen how much more potent their lighting rigs are, I'm tempted to do a longer day to make up for my relatively low wattage light. But I'm not gonna change anything just yet I don't think. Though I am curious, if the plant would think "oh, longer days, it must be really getting into season now I better flower more."

Y'know, if plants could think ;)

If you think your soil is too wet, check the pot you're planting in. Make sure it has drainage at the bottom. Don't want those roots to rot!
nubbiedubbie...I just joined this forum, but, the best advice I can give you is to research, read, and learn from those who have boldly gone before you [especially in the FAQ area]...I think you will find "growing your own" a very relaxing and spiritual hobby. To address your current phase, I would get your light running 24/7 for a few weeks. Since you are using floro, your shouldn't have a problem with heat or light burn. If you can afford it, purchase another bulb; it will make your plants happy! If you're not into that, 18/6 will work, but the vegatitive stage of growth will be slower. When you [finally] switch to a 12/12 light cycle, you will enduce flowing; the idea is that you are "simulating" nature, and forcing the plant to flower. Not sure if you've ever done it, but, if you grew an marijuana plant OUTDOORS, from like end of May[when the danger of frost is to have past] to mid/late September [you did mention you lived in the midwest], you would observe the marijuana plant would grow at a steady rate through June/July, continue and begin to form flowers in early August, and finish "flowering" [mature] by mid/late September. With indoor growing, you basically are doing the same thing nature does, but YOU ARE MOTHER NATURE!! And, the MJ plant must obey YOU, because you are in control! Sorry to get wordy, but hope this helps you. Forums are for not only giving advice, but receiving it as well. If I can help in anyway, post, and I shall. Peace...:peace:



Active Member
Thanks for all the advice, guys! I think I missed the window on the 18/6 thing. I did my "vegetation" at 24hr light, and then bumped straight down to 12/12 because I hadn't learned any better.

Since it's already sprouting sex organs, I worry about going backward to 18/6 and then forward to 12/12 again. Would that be a bad idea, to step backward into veg phase 18/6 for a couple weeks and then go to 12/12?

I just took a couple pics, posting them shortly here.

Oh, also I learned through this forum that chlorinated water is bad. So now I'm letting tap water sit out before it touches my girl, to let the chlorine evaporate. I'm definitely glad I came here, and wish I would have found this place sooner.


Active Member
pics of my ghetto grow setup, as promised

As you can see, for me to call it anything less than a ghetto setup would be ridiculous. ;) I am shocked and amazed it's gotten this big.

And thank you Chronic_Productionz for your offer, I'll hopefully be picking your brain. If Clarita here buds nice and I think I can handle doing this longer term, I'm going to buy a cabinet and paint the inside white and cut some vent holes and mount a couple large PC case fans for circulation and stuff. Something with more room than she has now.

That would allow me to do brighter lights and better air circulation and better privacy. It would also give me a place to lock up paraphenalia and such, so that surprise guests (especially those with kids) won't be such an alarming event.


Well-Known Member
First of all congradulations, i've been trying for about 8 or 9 months and have failed miserably 4-5 times. So kudos on the success. Oh and don't worry about how ghetto it is, mine have been so ghetto-tastic it's not funny. The only thing i would suggest (and keep in mind this is coming from an unsuccesful grower, mostly just regurgutated from what i have read on here) is that it looks very spaced out, and the stems should probably be thicker, this will become a problem as the buds get bigger and the stems can't hold it. It may be a little bit passed the fact now but if you moved your light closer there will be less space in between the branches. That means more product in the same space :). also for branch strength, i would say put a small little fan in the room (like a $5 oscillating fan from wal-mart) as it stresses the plant and forces it to thicken the stems (simulating wind as in the outdoors). Also i think i read about "topping" the plants (where you take the top cola and longer leaves and tie them down to the main branch) this will cause the leaves and growth located at the middle of the branches to grow outward and upward in search of light, then after a few days (not sure how long exactly) you can un tie the main branches and you will end up with a much bushier plant = more buds:). otherwise likes very good and am looking forward to seeing how it turns out (am growing from my own fairly decent bagseed right now and hoping for my first success). Congradulations and keep on smokin.


Well-Known Member
pics of my ghetto grow setup, as promised

As you can see, for me to call it anything less than a ghetto setup would be ridiculous. ;) I am shocked and amazed it's gotten this big.

And thank you Chronic_Productionz for your offer, I'll hopefully be picking your brain. If Clarita here buds nice and I think I can handle doing this longer term, I'm going to buy a cabinet and paint the inside white and cut some vent holes and mount a couple large PC case fans for circulation and stuff. Something with more room than she has now.

That would allow me to do brighter lights and better air circulation and better privacy. It would also give me a place to lock up paraphenalia and such, so that surprise guests (especially those with kids) won't be such an alarming event.
that looks cool dude. if u want thicker stems try to crush them lightly with your fingers inbetween nodes. not so much that they break or anything, but enough u can feel it give and crunch a little. in a few days your stem will be twice as thick and be plenty strong. once in between each node after new growth is fine. good luck on keeping that stretchy girl under control.


Well-Known Member
If it sucks, I give myself one more try and after that I'll call it three strikes and figure I don't have the knack. If it doesn't suck, I gotta look for a more reasonable place to keep it. It's a little exposed right now, and I have to scramble any time we have workmen over.

I'll keep running it 12 on/12 off lightwise, make her think it's one long summer and keep takin flowers as long as she'll give em. Then after that I guess I have to learn how to do a clone :)
hm. the fact that your going out of your way to do something you dont know how to do proves u have the 'knack' for it. just keep reading and try your best. you will eventually get it right. on my first grow i had some middy seeds that took off real fast with big leaves and long stems. i tied them over by tying a string from the top and bend it all the way over. all those side shoots like what u have shot up into branches, making it a sideways plant with 5 top colas. it was done entirely from sunlight (when the window was right) and flourescents. dont give up, bc everyone that takes the initiative to grow nuggets is taking us all one step closer to dispelling the lies about this plant and making it more acceptable--even if its done in complete secrecy.


Well-Known Member
You need to relfect the little bit of light you have. Think about painting those walls a bright white. The fan is a VERY good idea. You need to keep floros within a inch of your plant. Use reflectors on them too to direct the light that you would be losing back down.


Active Member
dont keep ur light on too long if ur plant is now growin sex organs. u now have to keep it darker. doing this will make the plant think winter is coming and so they will flower faster. plants outdoors do this in the late summer and they think they have to produce seeds before winter. That 12/12 isnt a bad setup. You might wanna save 10$ to get some miracle gro nutrient blends. just mix water and water ur plant. It help the alot, though some people say the weed taste funny. well good luck with her. peace man


Well-Known Member
Also i think i read about "topping" the plants (where you take the top cola and longer leaves and tie them down to the main branch) this will cause the leaves and growth located at the middle of the branches to grow outward and upward in search of light, then after a few days (not sure how long exactly) you can un tie the main branches newbutpersistent

This is lst...Low Stress Training and don't untie it if you do this.

Topping is when you cut the top of your plant in order for 2 main colas to form.


Well-Known Member
pics of my ghetto grow setup, as promised

As you can see, for me to call it anything less than a ghetto setup would be ridiculous. ;) I am shocked and amazed it's gotten this big.

And thank you Chronic_Productionz for your offer, I'll hopefully be picking your brain. If Clarita here buds nice and I think I can handle doing this longer term, I'm going to buy a cabinet and paint the inside white and cut some vent holes and mount a couple large PC case fans for circulation and stuff. Something with more room than she has now.

That would allow me to do brighter lights and better air circulation and better privacy. It would also give me a place to lock up paraphenalia and such, so that surprise guests (especially those with kids) won't be such an alarming event.
your plants are tall and lanky....the internodes need to be closer to each other words you need more light....


Well-Known Member
good try.
Keep lights much closer next time.
Nodes should be as close as 1/4 -1/2 inch.
I am curious to see how this turns out. Keep us posted with pics.

rob butts

Well-Known Member
ya definitely invest in a little oscilatting fan, it helps stem growth quite a bit. keep us posted !


Active Member
Srry to breakit to u man but u gotta male. only thing u can do is snip the leaves and smoke them. you want a female, because males dont produce bud. urs looks alot like mine though. i named him Goliath. maybe ill send a pic in.:neutral: