My girl dident fatten up


Well-Known Member
Will she? I thnk it is to late this year. I think she is mature. Should I flush her? Her fan leaves are all small. I won't have alot of pruning. I will get cold tonight and for the rest of the year. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
how bout some pics so we can help.
and more details like wheres it at,when it started flowering, etc....


Well-Known Member
You might try getting her indoors and under some lights. How long has she been flowering?


Well-Known Member
I fed her molasses and nutes for about 3 weeks. There will be frost soon. Iam in Canada. Do you think her season could be done? She haen't gained very much yield flowering in 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
so are you saying that she has only been flowering for 3 weeks?

cause if so then you have a loong ways to go.


Well-Known Member
Flowering for atleast 7 weeks. I started feedng her nutes and molasses that long. I think that I waited to long. The buds are tight and the coulor looks perfet. I just don't want them to get to ripe.


Well-Known Member
well still you should have like 3 more weeks... they might last that long... sometimes a frost wont hurt them if its not a severe frost. So keep watch on that and if its gunna be a bad frost or mad cold then bring them babies inside under a light for a couple more weeks.


Well-Known Member
Mate it all depends on the tricromes, get a microscope and check them. Then harvest at the point you want them to be ready. Like I said when YOU want them to be ready!!!!


Well-Known Member
What lights would be best to brings her indoors? I have a clost 4*6*8 for her. Anfter he I will make it a grow room. Still feed nutes?
She has been outside for a long time. Do you really think 3 more weeks?


Well-Known Member
You can tell wihtout a microscope but its no where near as accurate as you wanna be getting. When the buds start to get a slight amber glaze you know she's ready.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
you can use cfl lighting if you want...but you would really wanna use a HPS flowering for nutes you can keep feeding her up until a week from harvest then you wanna start flushing them out. You could harvest anytime now if you wanted, but its gunna be a lesser high, i would wait 3 more weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
to be honest it looks damn close. if you dont have a microscope then you should go by hair color i guess...when 80-90% of hairs are orange, harvest. you could go longer tho...dont get me wrong. Im leaving this up to you. I gave all the info, lol. goddluck.