• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

My Girl Doesn't Want Me Smoke Weed No More


New Member
MUST GROW SOME BALLS:hump: You want your grilfreind to tell you what to do just like mommy did....its a physological thing:)

But on the real...dont let your lay tell you how to live your life...they all come and go...so many to choose from ...find one that fits that lets you be you:weed:

One thing you may consider for your own health is a vaporizer....I been using one for 10 years no more hacking up chunks for me:)


Well-Known Member
This question is a no brainer (and from experience)...

You are who you are. If she accepts you the way you are, your relationship (and more importantly, your love) will last.

If she attempts to change you, you will fight over this for years; maybe you give in-maybe not, but you will BOTH always carry resentment toward one another.

Don't stay with someone who wants you to change. And don't fear that person's opinion of you. Find someone else (and you will) who wants you exactly the way you are.

If 'TO THY OWN SELF BE TRUE', you will not be fear for your future happiness.

:joint:Peace, bro.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
if you love her you wont lie to her or yourself and the decision shouldnt really be that hard. weed is the greatest plant in the world but it cant talk to you when you need someone to talk to, it cant hold you when you are having a bad day and it cant give you certain things a woman can give you. on the other hand, if she has a problem with something and always has and you really dont see what the big deal is you may never see eye to eye on it and never be able to move further in your relationship without thinking to yourself "man, i wish i really had a joint right now" so illegal smile is right, you have to look deep within yourself and figure out which one is more important.... i would recommend doing this sober....
:clap: yes


Well-Known Member
If u are working providing for u & ur women, spending time with her & not letting weed distance your relationship & not sitting on ur ass. I would look more into what shes doing after 4 years & at the beginning she does not care if ur toking or not. Just my opinion which doesnt really matter all that much. LOL


Active Member
If u are working providing for u & ur women, spending time with her & not letting weed distance your relationship & not sitting on ur ass. I would look more into what shes doing after 4 years & at the beginning she does not care if ur toking or not. Just my opinion which doesnt really matter all that much. LOL

Damn it Jim, thats fantastic!

1) Pay dem billz
2) Make SURE u satify the lady
3) Dont let weed make you interested in everything except her. She will be mad. (personal experience)
4) Dont sit on your ass

You can apply these four steps to life, completely summed up. Omit #3 and replace with your sin.



New Member
i really have a problem with my girlfriend...weve been together for about 4yrs now...i just dnt understand why she doesnt want me smoking weed no more when im smoking weed since the first time she met me(she actually saw me smoking weed the first time we met,then i court her)first 2yrs was all good she dont mind if i smoke weed..then in 3 yrs we broke up coz she has problem with my mj...we sitll keep in touch(talkin about the problem)since the break up...i know my girl loves me and i really do love her..so what i did was...i told her i'll quit smoking weed if she comes back...now wer back together but im cheating on her i always hide my mj so she wont caught me and all she know i totally quit smoking weed....
my problem is...i really dont want to lie on her..i dont know how will i talk to her about it and say i lie...i dont want to lose her again and i dnt want to stop smoking weed...
can somebody help me of my problem how will i talk to her about her problem of me smoking weed...
we live in the philippines and so you guys know we really have a different culture here.. filipinos see weed as a devil..
pls sumbody help me i dont want to lose her and my mj..
how will i talk to her?
tnx in advance and sorry for my bad english
Tell her you don't want to pay for a night out anymore...... watch her change her tune.


Active Member
Why do you smoke?
Smoking too much can disconnect you from your internal compass, keep it in check.
Stay away from the couchlock stone.
No woman wants a man laying on the couch all day, and they need to feel supported.
FUlfill all duties with complete satisfaction, and improve yourself until there isnt an argument for her to pursue. You must be yourself, and do not cross any lines you are not comfortable with, it will erode you from yourself.

Honor and respect everything that you do.

Above all else, Respect the smoke you have today, because you might be out tomorrow!


Active Member
bro, can't replace your girl mj but you can replace thee other. theres plenty of women who you can fall in love wit.


Active Member
sorry guys i dont have any idea that this tread is still up....anyway, things really didnt do well between me and my girl...we broke up already...(2days b4 my birthday nov) she seen a lot wrong in me that i really dont understand..first is just the weed then this past few mons shes comin up with some new unreasonable things that starts an argument...

i talk to her and said that maybe shes not happy with me anymore...and the truth is im not happy with her either anymore maybe because of almost everyday argument..i really love her but what can i do if things really dont do well between both of us?!...

we still text (sms) she told me that she miss me and still love me....i still love her but im keepin it with me, im getting old and i dont want to ruin and waste may days with someone whom i think will never accept me for who i am...

1 thing i learned is you dont have to please anyone to understand and love you...
just be who you are (like i was before) and look for some who will understand and love you for who you are....

haha i really dont know that this tread will go this far...im kinda embarrass now but its all good i made this tread because i really lookin for some one who will understand my situation at that time and found that ROLL IT UP is best for my case^^

thanks for everyone! peace:)

well to answer some of you here i do have a job^^


Active Member
I think you have to question the value of a relationship with someone who insists you give up something that important to you.
Here, here!

you dont ask your significant other to give up something thats important to them, no matter how small it seems to yourself. If MJ is part of your life then she needs to understand that, and be understanding of it. acceptance of others faults will get your relationship alot further than demanding someone give up something thats important to them.


i had a g/f who pulled the same shit. infact, her myspace was blasted about "if you do drugs, dont talk to me." lol. i was bangin her after i snunk a joint in. anywho... things got hairy when she found out i was still smokin. she got mad that i was smoking.

i quickly reminded her i had to drive her car home from the bar the other night cuz she was all kinds of drunk. then i asked what the difference was between me smoking a joint and her drinkin a baybreeze was. i never got a good answer out of her. the best one i got was "its illigal". i fought tooth and nail about weed doesnt make husbands beat their wives and is made by god and grows naturally as opposed to alcohol which leads to questionable sexual encounters, blackouts, drunk muscles and fights, and a bunch of other health problems.

at that time, i was smoking occasionally and drinkin alot more. we split, she got married and had a kid a few months after, and i found a girl who will smoke a bong and play halo with me. i havent gotten drunk in mad long. i'm much happier now. that girl was pushin me to be an alchie.

dont let a chick dictate what you do in YOUR LIFE. if you wanna smoke a joint, smoke. for every girl who says "you shouldnt smoke", theres ones sayin "lemme hit that". you can change up your chick but its hard to change up your hobby of pleasure. you could always be an alchie instead....but who wants to do that?


Well-Known Member
The right, mature woman for each of us will respect a man's life choices. And if you are a man, visa-verse is also true. Good luck.


Active Member
qualty posts from all, and I think everyones ready for a group "hit" instead of hug

Seriously though, this mj stigma issue can be quite the obstacle depending on the person your trying to deal with, girl friends are easier to deal with that family though. The war on drugs slogan also started wars in families across the country.
How the f can someone ban a plant to begin with is beyond me.