My girl has an owchy


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I'm mainlining, and I was trying to train my NL fem and and I partially broke one of the mains, so I taped it up. Fortunately one of arms is good, but the here is the other


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I'm high lol it's only a partial break, but within hours of doing it the nearby fan leaf wilted(almost looks burned) and the nearby growth tip looks to be stunted as well. My question is, what effect will this have in the mainlining process? On all the tutorials they stress that symmetry is key.


Well-Known Member
I see it! Doesn't look bad at all. I suffer from tremors and break plant's a lot! They do a pretty good job of recovering. Just sit back and watch what it does as there really is nothing to do at this point.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, doubt its going to cause any problems. Symmetry is second to height. You want even tops.


Well-Known Member
That little tear is laughable compared to some of the near decapitations I have seen on here. Don't sweat it. Give it a few days.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all!!! The growth tip that deformed is growing, though slowly, may even be catching up a bit. Only thing ive been doing is pushing the mains out so the little one can get light. Seems to be working okay. Thank you for your attention :)


Well-Known Member
Also northenhize, that was part of the issue, my first run I snapped a main(of 4) off. It reattached fully with less negative results than this tiny cut. Have you ever heard/seen anything like this?


Well-Known Member
Also northenhize, that was part of the issue, my first run I snapped a main(of 4) off. It reattached fully with less negative results than this tiny cut. Have you ever heard/seen anything like this?
Thee are people on here who say this plant is hard to grow and there are some who say it's hard to kill. I have seen mainliners nearly tear a plant in half and some who have. I have seen some people super crop to the point it should not have yielded a single bud but it did. For what it's worth here is what I will tell you. If you fuck up and know what you did or have someone else beyond a reasonable doubt tell what is wrong and take the necessary steps to fix it you can't kill this fucking weed. Where people go wrong is expecting to much of the plant too soon and start fucking with other perimeters, ingredients, light cycles, watering and matter of fucked up ideas. Your plant will obviously be a little behind, it was a little setback but just let it heal and catch up. It will be fine.