My Girl Hit puberty to quick


Active Member
I have ordered a 400W HPS system with a Growlush lamp, puts out around 65,000lm. I know alot of people use the HPS for the flowering stage but would it be beneficial in the growing stage? I already have 2 CFL's on it already (1x48w 5000k and 1x48w 3000k) and is growing great, would the HPS be a waste of power in the normal growing stage? Or am i better off saving it for flower time?


Well-Known Member
looks like your getting into growing now,
got the bug.
your plant,looks fine, and it will love the 400hps, are you going to be growing more, you can grow 4 to 6 plants , under the 400hps, good luck, anymore picsof the plant, hope you didnt send it hermie, when it was in flower, when it was so little, due to bad lighting sceds. good luck.


Active Member
Yeah i got the bug bad, the wife has a laugh every time i come home with a new globe, or when im in the shed trying to improve the setup, but she comes out side every day just to see how its growing..

God i hope its not hermi, if not its ok, i just want to see a nice budded plant. And from what i read a hermi is a female plant that will produce seeds? is this correct?

I plan to continue to grow more, i went out and got some clone juice the other day, but it will be a waste of time if its hermi..


Well-Known Member
A hermie is a plant that has both male and female flowers on it. Which ends up seeding itself. LIKE CRAZY! The 400w HPS will be great for both stages of growth man.


Well-Known Member
dont clone it just in case its a hermie, cos the clones will be too.
just do what you did with the last plant with another then take clones from that.
when doing 18/6.24/0 and 12/12 you must keep to the times, or the plant will stress and go hermie, and if you dont keep your plants in compleat darkness in there dark period, they also mite go hermie.
im just tellingyou this, cos when i started growing 10 months ago, i was growing a hermie took clones and all my plants were hermie, and hermies send other females hermie.
and hermie steel all the bud, by making seeds, plus they take longer.and they give you headace, if you smoke the unformed seeds by acc.
it took me ages to get rid of all the old plants,cos its hard to throw them away, when you have put so much time into them. good luck.


Active Member
is the only way to find out if its hermi is to flower a clone?

I feel your pain crazy-mental, id hate to kill my plant, ive put alot of time and a small about of money in to it, but i guess it wont go to waste if i continue..


Active Member
Ill post some pics of Friday but my plant's fan leaves are way to big and many that they are blocking any light to my branches coming off the main stem, they are that big that they are blocking any growth path, would it be ok to trim a few fan leaves to allow the branches some light and free them up a bit?


Active Member
i have two 48w 5000k CFL's at the moment and also got a 48w 3000k (warm red light) will this light combind with the two 5000k be ok for vegging and not force the plant into flowering?


Active Member
Well here is the mother plant again, she has really taken off. ive taken some clones off her which ill post soon, im going to bud them to see the sex, hopes its not a hermi...

couple of more posts coming with clones and new veg setup



Active Member
Well here is my clones, ive put 2 in a tank and put one in my veg room to see if there is any dif, its been 3 days and they seem to be doing ok, i had some prac on some chilli plants, 2 of the 3 chilli clones are doing well and the other looks to be dying. 3 of 3 dope clones are doing ok...



Active Member
Heres my new veg setup, i made the shade my self with old wood from around the shed, so that cost nothing. the light fixtures i had from before. i had to buy some white gloss paint $8, got some chain from bunnings $5. table free. I think my light shade turned out well..

I put some chilli plant in there as well, love my chilli



Active Member
Well im over the moon, she has shown that's that she is really a girl.. i got a 400HPS over her now for the last 5 days and she has got the little white hairs coming out :) so happy. ive cut the light to 12/12 and she looks great, and the growth rate with a hps compared to 3 (48w) CFL. in the last 5 or so days she has grown over 2 inches i recon... ive tied down some branches to get the light right in there and its going well...

Check the picks



Active Member
Does anyone think the flowers are a bit small for 2 1/2 weeks flowering?
I had a bit of a problem, the older leaves started to turn yellow, I cut them off and more yellow leaves turned yellow...

had a search around and I could only guess that it was a N deficiency or my roots were root bound...

I did change my nutes from grow to bloom, I think I might have changed it a bit to early, my flower nute was 5.15.10 and my grow was 25.5.10. Ive read of here somewhere that early in the flower stage plants still need that high N to develop. So I think that my low N flower nute might have been the problem. So ive change to a nute of 20.15.10..

Also my plant might of been a bit root bound, I did a transplant the day, you might get a laugh out of it, I think I went a bit to over board wit the size of the pot, but she was really root bound in the old pot, this time she has plenty of space to grow..
Anyway I hope this will fix the yellow problem, I understand that the leaves go yellow at the final stage of flowering but it’s only early

Does anyone have any input to this?



Active Member
Well its been near a month now and she is looking ok, she got a bit of a nute burn early in the bud stage but she has recovered.. the hairs are turning brown (about 40 percent)..

How much longer till i harvest her? 4 weeks have past, does anyone have an idea how much longer i could leaver her?



Well-Known Member
Brick, no hard feelings. All i was trying to say is the plant may look beautiful, but it has not popped out a 5 point leaf yet. I see 3 being the most. Is this a sign of something? Maybe not enough light?
its a sign that sits still a seedlings and not matured to its nest stage of life when u get the 7 or the 9 then its mature and cud be ready for flowering