My girl in saskatchewan, canada

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Ya man it got me decently high actually, I havnt smoked anything all day and was feeling good after I smoked it. They were really small nugs from a bottom branch too, there are even nicer ones at the top of the plant. Lets hope the damage can heel quickly from what happend today, and she continues with budding.

I hope the weather stays nicer for a bit longer, atleast till the end of september. Weather is showing that on September 15th it will be 18 with a low of 8. No frost weather yet. Its coming though, lots of leaves on the ground from the surrounding trees.

I cant effin wait to harvest this girl! Does it really matter if leaves touch the greenhouse walls? I cant tie down the girl more than she is now, its getting so cramped in there. Some leave might have to touch the greenhouse wall, unless I should cut em off?

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
i hope you now it is going to be a cold winter going to have frost in october so watch out supose to be coldest winter in years so put that baby inside in a big pot and get a hps would be your best bet


uggghhh dso many bad memories associated with frost wiping out plants....

not cool.

watch out man, oay attention to forecasts

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Big pot dude this thing would have such a huge root system, impossible to transplant now, especially now that she is in flowering. Thats why I built the greenhouse.

And 7thtoker im def watching the forcast all the time daily. Ill watch for the frost, when it gets close ill make sure to have all the poly plastic covering the greenhouse, with as many pales filled with hot water as I can. I think I might also try to get a space heating with a temp controller, that might work better...

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
FUCK looks like frost is hitting a bit early. Its frosting TONIGHT. I do not have the walls up for the greenhouse, what the fuck am I suppose to do?????????


Well-Known Member
Cross your fingers and toes! I'm rootin' for ya. If it's not too brutal, or for too long they'll make it through alright. It's a good sign that you need to get those walls done stat!

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
I know man I didnt expect it this early, I got 4 jugs of water out there now with hot water, and a fan blowing on her so no moisture settles on her. I can see my breath outside like a mother fucker, its cold out. I just hope it warms up tomorrow....

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Alright sounds good, also was talking to my neighbour earlier, was telling him it would be shitty to be a farmer, with all this cold rain and weather. He said yeah they gotta build something like you are, then he said those are some mighty big tomatoe plants you got there. Pretty sure he knows there is a fucking huge pot plant there, but hes not going to do anything about it, I dont think..


Well-Known Member
He's a prick if he pot plant in a neighbour's back yard, basically in plain sight. I don't know why anybody would care.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Ya man im pretty sure hes not going to do anything about it, im almost posative he doesnt smoke either, otherwise id offer him some buds come harvest.

Went to check on her this mourning, its good I planted her in the spot I did, cause the mourning sun hits her bright and early! You can see the crystals on the buds now. I checked the buckets of water I left out overnight too, they had boiling hot water in em, but now that its mourning there ice cold, I think it was a good idea to put them out.

Suppose to be a high of 22C today.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Bit warmer tonight, 11C. Was outside smokin some kush and takin a peek at her, took a wiff of her too, she smells fuckin awesome. Gonna give her a water tomorrow, just plain rainwater. Next time I feed with compost tea I think ill start using a bit less nitrogen(alfalfa). Evetually Ill use no alfalfa in the tea. I plan on giving her a flush at the end, prob her last 3-4 waterings, just water her with plain rainwater.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
So I was looking over my plant today, and seen one of the buds has a HUGE swollen calyx. I have no idea why. The red hairs are receded quite a bit, but I can still see them. Why is this?? Seed???

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Week 3(I think) of flowering today. Shes starting to thicken up nicely! I can def see THC production now, there are crystals all over the leaves.

Im hoping I can extend the season to atleast first week of october. I would like to harvest mid-october.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Cool just got a 30x magnifier. Im smoking some more kush that I picked up tonight, differend kind though. Checking out the crystals on it, its pretty fuckin cool. I cant wait till tomorrow, Im going to check out my girl with the magnifier.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Hey guys I could be crazy but is it a good idea to cut off all the main tops. This would allow whatever is on the plant to mature. Because the main tops are still pushing out 5 points, they havnt even reached 3 points yet.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
So the one branch I dropped the piece of wood on, a couple budsites didnt look too good. Especially after the light frost we had. The tips were brown and shrivled, looked kinda dead. Im sure they will recover and new calyx will continue to grow out of the top, but I wanted to sample my girl. I did awhile ago in early flowering when I cut off 5-6 of the lower budsites that would have came out too nothing. They had little crystal starting to form but my fingers were stick from busting it into the bong. I didnt even let it dry though, just busted it into the bong and torched the fucked out of it.

I tested my girl again right after I dropped the piece of wood on her, once again didnt really let it dry, just torched it. Was a bit more crystal this time though, still didnt have a scope to see the crystal though.

And now today I cut of a little nug that had the brown dead top too it. I cut off all the brown shit on the top, and all the leaf/stem. It looks really good! Not filled out yet, but it looks like a little bud now! And the calyx's have orange tips. I now have a scope to look at the crystals. I can see alot of them!! They are mainly clear, maybe a tiny tiny bit cloudy, im not sure though. But there is def crystal.

Im gonna hang it in my closet and let it slow dry for 4-5 days. Then put it in a jar and burp it for a couple of days, then test her out in the bong!

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Fuck sakes was taking the tomatoe plant out of the ground beside my girl, cause we picked all the tomatoes off of it. Was pulling out the plant and ripped off two nice budsites.

On another note I got 2 walls up on the greenhouse, 2 more to go. Im out of polyplastic though and ill wait till tomorrow to get more.

Also I was picking up the two broken budsites, and squished one between mine finger as hard as I could and took a big wiff. Smelt very fruity!! This makes me happy as this is the smell I wanted.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
So was smoking one of the tester nugs and when I was busting it I noticed tiny little round things. Fuck I think some how she got pollinated. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
At least the tomatoes are out of the ground now to give you the room to work, even if it cost you a couple of bud sites. How's the weather holding up in Sask? It's been a lot of rain and high-teen weather around here.