My girl in saskatchewan, canada

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Fuckin storm went threw lastnight, didnt even hear it. Broke a couple branches, severe thunderstorm watch for the next couple of days, god I hate this weather.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Hot and humid out today, thunderstorms are headed this way. The thunderstorm that went threw lastnight broke the top of the greenhouse that isnt even on the plant yet, so obviously it isnt strong enough. I will rebuild it soon.
Also adding a 1 inch layer from my compost pile today, add some more nutrients.

And she just doesnt seem to be flowering fast enough, I mean STILL no noticable buds, it seems like its taking forever, and this thing wont stop verticle growth! It just keeps getting taller, I really hope it buds soon.


Well-Known Member
thats what happens when your that far north... things start to bloom so much later in the year.... thats why a greenhouse is nice, you can force flower them ladies...

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Yaa oh well, I just hope I can get some bud with this greenhouse, even though im not forceflowering them. Just finished adding the layer of compost and trimmed a few yellow leafs.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Yah next year will be way different, I kind of know what to expect. Especially since ive never tried growing any sort of plant before till now. It kills me to go over to my buddies house and see fat buds on his plants though..... Is my plant even in flowering yet? Like I dont even know, it has preflowers, but is this even considered budding phase? Like once the buds show up then does it take 8-12 weeks? Fml


Well-Known Member
it takes a bit longer outdoor for them to get going, they usually start when there is 14 hrs of light... they bud slow outside my man...

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Rebuilt the greenhouse top today, pretty sure its much stronger now. Will build the base and walls tonight when it cools down, its way to hot out, I hope it doesnt storm. If I have to put in a space heater, I will do it, it would make me so happy if I could get decent bud off this plant.

I do remember last year though, it was my birthday which is the end of november, and there wasnt even snow, I was walking around getting drunk outside. I cant remember if it frosted before then, im pretty sure it did, I cant remember what the temp was in that month though, I hope its good this year.

And couple questions, should I put 2 layers of plastic on the greenhouse? Right now im planning on one, but maybe two, or three??? And um what should I do for ventalation? Me and my dad were talking about it the other day, I dont want to build an oven for my girl. I know big greenhouse have fans. Maybe small fan?


Well-Known Member
or a window/hatch that can be opened during the day and closed at night.... put it on the roof so all the hot air rises out...


Well-Known Member
You could hinge the whole roof to use it as a big vent. A big vent will let you clear the air out quickly when the humidity starts to climb.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Hmm ill see tomorrow, got the base built, there is still a shitload of plants in the way though of getting this greenhouse around her, I ripped out all the weeds and other plants that self seeded, now there is just the one tomatoe plant in the way and the cucumber plant, not to sure what im going to do about that.

Also ill ask again, how many layers of plastic???? Im thinking one, maybe two, but im not sure. Ive seen the big greenhouses with two layers.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Alright 2 sounds good. A street lamp that is on a mainstreet used to shine on mine girl a bit, so I nailed a piece of wood to the fence, but now that she has gotten bigger, I noticed tonight she is getting hit by light again, fuck. Ill have to nail more wood up. Also got my compost tea brewing, made this one pretty strong with bat guano, more than ive ever used anyway.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Oh forgot to say, also collected pollen from a male northern lights plant I had growing outside of town, went to check on it today and it was good to pic for pollen. Going to pollenate some bottom branches if this girl ever flowers, it would be nice to cross northernlights with this strain.