My girlfriend flipped out


Well-Known Member
I just started my own grow.... my chick digs it man!!!!!! i know u dont want to break up w/ a girl over pot, but if she keeps trippn dump tha bitch dude..
weed is mother nature u dont have a fuckn meth lab bro no gilty feelins and no chick if she keeps that up!!!!!


Well-Known Member
im not sure that this has been mentioned, but it should be pretty obvious... You dump her and she'll tell everyone you dumped her cause she didnt approve of you growing pot.



Active Member
she says, your ganna ruin your life lol you only get 1 life to live you should spend it doing what brings you joy.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Dude coming from someone who's been through all that crap do what you want.. Yes she is looking out for your best interest... But what do you want to do???? I myself love growing I take pride in smoking what I grow and sharing etc with my friends... Girlfriends/wives come and go..... There's a million chicks out there that smoke bud and are cool with you growing my chick loves it!!!


Well-Known Member
its easier to get a new gf than to grow a decent plant.
Is the plant better quality than the gf?
Give them a ranking out of ten each, then decide.

Or give her a good spanking and ORDER her to read the bible 3 times.


New Member
hey i know this is a fucked up suggestion but hide it from her. thats what i do with my crazy pot hating boyfriend.


Well-Known Member
Tell her to please just wait and see if you end up smoking more and ruining your life. Tell her to give you 3 months after your first harvest... and then talk to you.

You need to make sure that you don't start smoking more though (that is, if you want the relationship to work). If the reason you're growing is so that you can smoke more... then maybe she's just not right for you.

That's my advice. I'm an idiot though, so don't listen to me. My own wife doesn't even know I smoke, much less grow. I started smoking when we went through a tough time and almost got a divorce, and I just never told her. Then I decided to grow for fun.

I'm probably going to tell her in the next few weeks (that I smoke) and see how she takes it. I think she's going to leave my ass.


Well-Known Member
my girl is crazy too, luckily she likes herb and smoking or im sure my plants would have suffered haha


Well-Known Member
yeah the plants are long gone guys.

Supposedly of the two
that survived, they were both females.

In hindsight; i still have my adorable gf that loves me, and lets me smoke...just not grow...or not yet at least? Or quite possibly ever?

The End.
For now at least.