My girlfriend wants to masturbate without me

We need pictures and videos of the squirting to give accurate advice.

Also, you are only 23, DON'T GET MARRIED!!!!!!!!!

Wait until you are a few years older. People change a lot in their 20's.

I got married at 23 and divorced at 31. I'm a way different person now then I was at 23 and so is my ex-wife. We used to have crazy freaky kinky sex, toys, anal, pretty much porn star sex, then we got married and all that slowly went away.
If the frequency or quality of sex changes...that's a problem...then you'll have been replaced...until then...give her some space.
The OP left. He's in search of a mysterious humming/buzzy sort of sound in his house and he can't figure out what it is. PS: Did she send you out for extra batteries yet? If not, then you're safe….

For now…..

If I was home I would just want to watch maybe some interior thigh kissing/licking with some light nipple play..Once she squirts I lightly lick around the meat curtains then I get head while I gently run the tips of my fingers thew the slit after I'm satisfied with the amount of dome I got , I turn her over and savagely fuck her when she's getting close to orgasm again..If in the doggy style position I rub the rim of her asshole till she explodes and shakes...CHURCH!
I am just looking for some help in thinking this through
Long posts, but well written. Couple of things to keep in mind, woman can have multiple orgasms multiple times a day, and especially for the less experienced (which not masturbating and discovering herself really is) it will only become easier, more and longer. It's not like you will get less as a result, more likely on the contrary. It really is in every way a good thing you should be happy about and yes encourage.

"I'm sure this is a rare scenario to run into"
No, not at all. At least not for non-catholic girls (not sure if that expression works in the us...)

Get her this one:
I cant fathom why you'd want to be part of that whole " squirting " business where the blankets are soaked .

Ive been there ONCE with a female & never wanna go thru that shit again , its like a water fawcet inside the pussy & sauce starts flowing all over ya , next thing ya know your a wet mushy mess .

Its like titty milk , ya get all liqured up & think its gonna be hot to suck some titty milk , 20 seconds later your spewing chunks , some shits left best unknown brother .
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I cant fathom why you'd want to be part of that whole " squirting " business where the blankets are soaked .

Ive been there ONCE with a female & never wanna go thru that shit again , its like a water fawcet inside the pussy & shit starts flowing all over ya , next thing ya know your a wet mushy mess .

Its like titty milk , ya get all liqured up & think its gonna be hot to suck some titty milk , 20 seconds later your spewing chunks , some shits left best unknown brother .

Oh and there's not supposed to be coming out any shit, that's an entirely different 'style'.
The OP left. He's in search of a mysterious humming/buzzy sort of sound in his house and he can't figure out what it is. PS: Did she send you out for extra batteries yet? If not, then you're safe….

For now…..
It could be one of those things with a cord that fuck up tv reception.

I had this roommate in college. Hi Jen!
The whole vibrator bit is giving me a mental picture of the Woody Allen movie Everything You wanted to know about Sex , the scene where his wife plugs the 440 volt vibrator into the wall outlet & seconds later it starts shootin sparks & catches fire .
maybe its cause i wrote a novel or maybe i worded it wrong lol my problem is not that she can masturbate when im not around, actually thats when i want her to do it. my issue will be the negative feelings i get when she does it when im home but doesn't call me to help. im totally cool with her pleasuring herself as much as she wants if im not available im just going to be a little insulted if shes in the bedroom for a half hour and im sitting on the couch wanting her.

i completely agree with what r1b said about her being able to enjoy it privately i think its important i just kind of wish i hadnt set my schedule up so im around when shes not at work, maybe a couple night time gym sessions a week to give her a couple hours by herself. i understand her wanting some self exploration time without me there shes been missing out on this for a long time shes got some catching up to do

she's perfectly normal with what she is doing..i understand you are home 99.99% of the time..that's the true issue..get yourself out with a hobby or something other than to occupy your's unhealthy for a couple to spend this much time together.

self exploration begins in infancy..i'm sensing she had uptight parents who frowned upon; stifling her with their hang-up she has a lot to make up for.

get yourself a cool hobby that you've always wanted to do..this is a good excuse to spend the money on.

citation: i'm a girl.
Got any idea what the hippo pics are all about ? Ive asked him repeatedly & he never answers ?

The lil hippos are cool as hell , i just dont know if they have some kinda meaning .

my guess:

it started off when echelon (from australia) was still here..eating lettuce?..bucky makes/eats lettuce = money?

those pygmy hippos are at the topanga zoo in australia.