My Girlfriend ..


New Member
Flip dude. I would personally stand up and clap for you. You could not have handled that any better than you did. It was too friggin perfect.
I am so sorry for what happened to you. Women can be bitches.:twisted: I know because I am one.:mrgreen:
Yeah that was nasty BUT my hats off to you dude, handled yourself so well. I don't know how old you are but some other men should take note of how a true gentleman behaves.

You showed dignity, pride, self respect, class, intelligence, self control and composure:hump: SHIT DUDE you ROCKED!!!!!

I have great great admiration for people that can hold it together to do the right thing. Unfortunately I am not one of them BUT I am totally with you on the don't lower yourself to her level by being revengeful. It amazes me how most people are extremely revengeful and the ideas people come up with are limitless. :twisted: I so don't believe in revenge. If I did, I'd be in a LOT of trouble by now:|

You got a lot of style and class and dude, are gonna do WAYYYY better.:hump:

No luck needed there ;)

Us chicks LOVE a true gentlemen.:mrgreen:

Get a McFlurry and pat yourself on the back. ;)



Well-Known Member
Wow, I didn't get a chance to follow up with this yesterday.
Flip you did this the right way! Good for you!!


Well-Known Member
Fuck me that took some reading!!! what a frigging story.
really sorry forwhat she did to ya dude and boy did u play it right! he didn't know u were with her so it isn't his fault.
what's so fucking superb about the outcome though is that ALL her work colleagues now know she is a loose, lying,cheating tart who is not to be trusted! there's NO WAY she can stay at her work place coz she just won't be able to face it.So that's 1-0 to u. her "friends" are ur friends and they're all shunning her. so that's 2-0 to u. she now has no where to stay.3-0. HAT-TRICK!! fucking cow!! dunno whether u guys have this words in the states but over here in england she is what we call "A SLAG".
all power to u bo!!! just wish i'd been in her office when u turned up!

necklace = $800
400w hps =$300
movie tickets = $40
dinner out = $80
catching ur g/f cheating and publicy exposing her as a lying,cheating,open legged office bike = FUCKING PRICELESS!!

all the best for life bro!!! :peace:
Loving the last part :p
But yeah, I sort of want to go hear if she quits her job.

Flip dude. I would personally stand up and clap for you. You could not have handled that any better than you did. It was too friggin perfect.
I am so sorry for what happened to you. Women can be bitches.:twisted: I know because I am one.:mrgreen:
Yeah that was nasty BUT my hats off to you dude, handled yourself so well. I don't know how old you are but some other men should take note of how a true gentleman behaves.

You showed dignity, pride, self respect, class, intelligence, self control and composure:hump: SHIT DUDE you ROCKED!!!!!

I have great great admiration for people that can hold it together to do the right thing. Unfortunately I am not one of them BUT I am totally with you on the don't lower yourself to her level by being revengeful. It amazes me how most people are extremely revengeful and the ideas people come up with are limitless. :twisted: I so don't believe in revenge. If I did, I'd be in a LOT of trouble by now:|

You got a lot of style and class and dude, are gonna do WAYYYY better.:hump:

No luck needed there ;)

Us chicks LOVE a true gentlemen.:mrgreen:
I will be 19 in a few days, thanks :)


Well-Known Member
No don't confront her, or him. Treat her as bad as you want to, cum on her face everytime, spend minimal amounts of money on her, treat her as if you have nothing to lose, cuz you don't, cuz she is making out with another guy. At least you are still getting pussy whenever you want from her w/o all the boyfriend duties. And of course cheat on her while still hooking up w/ her so when she finds out just bring up that story. Peace!
Thats probably the best thing to do but I would have kicked the fuck out of him there n then. Oh and posted all her naked pics on the net, especially where her family will see em - Petty I know but..


Well-Known Member
Thats probably the best thing to do but I would have kicked the fuck out of him there n then. Oh and posted all her naked pics on the net, especially where her family will see em - Petty I know but..
Nawh, I'm fine with keeping her some privacy, I don't want me to get in trouble or anything :\.


Well-Known Member
Nawh, I'm fine with keeping her some privacy, I don't want me to get in trouble or anything :\.
Just like Lacy :hump: lol said...dude...ur a REAL man!!!!and apart from not wanting to cause any trouble..u seem to be like me in regards to really liking to walk to morale high path!!! i love that high ground cuz the view is sooooo much better...looking down upon the scum who have fucked u over,laughing and thinking "i'd rather be me then u!".

All power to u.


Active Member
I woulda bitch slapped both the mark ass bitches.
It sucks when a bitch does that shit to you, real talk.
I say NEVER get close to a girl.
Bitch Dependancy Disorder is no laughing matter.

I'll tell you what you should do, beat her, rape her, then force her to drink INSANE ammounts of alcohol until she dies of poisoning, then get drunk off of her blood, light a chocolate blunt, put on some nice tunes from the west coast, and just relax. But that's just me... I'm fucked like that cuzzz.


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning and I wanted to go to that new 'The Dark Knight' movie tbecause I read that it was very very good. (Thanks for that thread on here btw :)) so I get into my car and start heading out. I was thinking about calling my girlfriend, but she ddin't like these 'type' of movies so I didn't bother. I go to the theater and buy my ticket or what ever, and just go to A&W for something quick to eat and a drink. But I see my girlfriend walking by, around the mal with a guy. I was thinking no big deal, it was her friend. So I get up and I'm going to go up to them, but then he kisses her..for a decent amount of time..I wanted to go right up there and just punch the guy in the face.. But I don't want to jump to conclusions, even though this seems fairly straight forwards..

I just can't believe that she would do that considering I just got a new place (Only an apartment, but..) she was moving in with me, I THOUGHT we had a great time all the time, with minimul fights. I gave her as much as I could.. But now I'm just not sure on what to do. Should I go straight up to her and confrunt her? Should I go up to her boyfriend and just fucking fight him? (I know, sounds childish but it seemed like the best option at the time..) what the hell should I do, I'm freaking out here. 6 days from my birthday, atleast I found out ..

(By the way, the movie blew me away and the pencil part was amazing)
Do not let her move in!

Ask her about it if you want to pursue the relationship. Otherwise, get your shit from her and stop calling her.

I'm sorry for the bad situation. But if you stay with this person, and she does not have a DAMN good explanation for what you saw, you are making a mistake.


Active Member
I love how people keep interjecting even though it is pretty much all over.
It is funny/sad that the ho is homeless now, but it just goes to show that htere are consequences and repercussions to everything you do.



Well-Known Member
I love how people keep interjecting even though it is pretty much all over.
It is funny/sad that the ho is homeless now, but it just goes to show that htere are consequences and repercussions to everything you do.

Ditto that shit!

But let's be honest, common sense just isn't anymore. If it were, the "interjectors" would have seen that there are over 15 pages on this thread and put two and two together...

But it is pretty fuckin' funny that the bitch is out on her ass. Maybe she can put some hours in on her back...:hump: