My girls have seeds.


Active Member
I only have one room to veg/bloom in, and it's divided by light tight tarps (i put them in when they seeded in the first place), so I'm nervous about letting anything with male parts live in there too long, as it can contaminate even the plants I don't want it to. I fail to believe a tarp is going to prevent that. I wonder if I'm burning the roots...


Active Member
i was staring at a bud and saw a seed inside of it when I was harvesting it, being as it was the only one ready. After finding all the seeds I immediately checked the other two plants and found seeds.


Well-Known Member
They probably hermied because you turned the lights off and on a few times in the dark. maybe you were giving shitty seeds. those are the 2 biggest factors.


Active Member
I wish there wasn't 50 billion different ways to cause your plant to herm. It's like every day on this forum I see people talking about different things that stress plants and can cause them to hermie. effing sucks.


Well-Known Member
Its mainly genetics. Check your plants daily when you go to 12/12 and look out for any balls. As I said if your using femzd seeds, buy Dutch Master Reverse. I cannot stress this enough. If you listen to anyting I say this should be it. - DUTCH MASTER REVERSE

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
well i would save the seeds even if theyre all self pollenated, but you said you chopped them with premature seeds :(.

someone set me straight if im wrong, but a self pollenated (or selfed plant) will produce feminized seeds? i dont believe that the DNA gets a hermie code written in. takes millions of years for that...if ever at all. plenty of breeders self plants and sell the seeds.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it's a sad story, I have a hermie plant also. but I got it from a bagseed with only 1 seed in it. So it's mom was 90% hermaphrodite so it passed on the shit genetics. my other plants in the same baby basket were females though. your luck was just gay :(


Active Member
I think so :[. I had to get rid of my initial 6 flowering Super Lemon haze plants. I unrooted them and threw them in a dumpster, because I had a scare. I came back and got them four days later and put them back into Veg. I bet that's what did it, huh?


Active Member
I didn't do it, my partner did. I wasn't here for that week. And yes, I'm serious. This is our first grow together and he didn't know that could cause a plant to gather seeds. He just reminded me that he did it, because they recovered so quickly I barely noticed and just kind of forgot. That's def' the cause. So, the female clones I have budding from it (taken before they were stunned and shocked) should be female. I'll know in two weeks, regardless.


Well-Known Member
yeah, that is supershock and should have done it. your seeds you get from them shouldn't be terrible. just keep growing them


Well-Known Member
well i would save the seeds even if theyre all self pollenated, but you said you chopped them with premature seeds

"someone set me straight if im wrong, but a self pollenated (or selfed plant) will produce feminized seeds? i dont believe that the DNA gets a hermie code written in. takes millions of years for that...if ever at all. plenty of breeders self plants and sell the seeds. "

They will be shite. Period. lol


Active Member
The SLH from the extremely shocked plants was incredibly potent, though. More so than the white widow we harvested around the same time. Was that from the stressing?


Well-Known Member
I don't know, is slh more potent than white widow? I don't like that question, but who knows, grow the 2 products again and find out =\