My "Girls"!! Thank you for the advice! Pics4u


These are my two (Idica and Sativa) girls..yess!!! Thanks to the advice I received, after only a week on 12/12 they are flowering, and I'm no expert - but they look like girls to me!! I'm growing these indoors with natural sunlight - yes, I have to move them around mid day - but they are awsome! 3 months old now and I had no clue what I was doing and why they weren't flowering. They get total darkness - I've made a blackout room for them. But now I'm wondering how long I will have to wait for bud?? big will that Sativa actually get - someone said 9 ft??!! yeeesh.

You all rock man - thanks for the info - I'm really a grow-virgin and y'all saved my babies.

Any more advice on growing great bud is greatly appreciated. I gave them some nutes but my Sativa got a few brown spots, so I stopped. They seem to be flourishing now, so I'm afraid to spice them up anymore.

Thanks again! :eyesmoke:



It's a week since I posted the last pics and the flowering is taking off! These girls have had no artificial light and are doing pretty good. I'm 2 weeks into flowering now (12/12).

Are they looking good? I could just eat them!! Yummy. But the process is slow :roll:.

Since I'm a dumb ass and didn't start with timers and lights (and I am still using the sunlight) - I have to carry them to their dark room. If I need to go away for a few days, what should I do with them? Is total darkness better than leaving them in light conditions longer than 12hrs? Are they really sensitive during the flowering stage?

Thanks for all the help guys. Peace.



Well-Known Member
I would start by saying you've done extremely well for not having a light at all... They are truely good healthy looking plants you have there... If you have to go away and leave them i would suggest leaving them in the darkness, but for no more than 2 days max... This is a really crucisl time and you've come this far.. And yes they are def female as far as i can tell..

Keep it up


Thanks so much for the response. I have made sure these plants have gotten as much sunlight as possible. When I started them out - I did use some artificial lights - but probably for only 3 weeks, and then only when it was extremely cloudy.

I move them from an east window to a west window everyday - lotsa work but man is paying now. I also make sure my windows are spotless. They are beautiful and healthy - so happy bout that.

The flowering stage is going great too - been using molasses - I mix 2 tsps to 4 cups water - put 2 cups of that on each plant. Then I use fresh water on top to push down my sugars. I've used minimal nutes - started getting some burn on the big one.

I hate to leave them, but I might have to.

Thanks again.