My glorious harvest...Ruined...

jeff f

New Member
couldnt you put real small sweaters and headscarfs on them and said you were babysitting michael jacksons kids?....err sumtin;-)


Well-Known Member
you can involve me anytime you want j/k bummer hope what you got was alright
I won't complain...Romulon is a
great strain

under what light pls ?
600w hps, and 400w hps

I was in the process of buying a supercloset, but I need alot of help, it's my first grow, any suggestions with the machine?
Broad question...send me a PM of what
you want to know and I'll get back.

Did they even go near the room u were in? They usually look in the kitchen and bathroom to make sure all appliances are good and that's it. Sucks to hear though.
This was more than an inspection...
Unfortunately for me, I think they
suspect a drug dealer living here, and
these are nice apts., so they were
very thourough...there were two
managers, and one maintanenence

The buds should be dry by tommorow...
I'll get a dry weight and smoke report,
but still wonder what could have been.......:evil:


New Member
No good. I wouldn't even start up again. Move then do it. If they suspect u of something chances are they're not the only ones watchin. Sorry to hear about ur troubles


Well-Known Member
That was actually 7 plants. They should be dry by
tommorow, and I expect at least 5 oz...I'll get back
on that one.

I'm definately going to take a break for a while. I have
to much crap to move, but I'm going to tighten up my
screws befor starting again.


Well-Known Member
That blows. Better than getting busted though. Sucks getting arrested for something that isn't even a crime.
I think Cali is the next A-dam, so at least
someone is getting with the picture.

After 5 days of drying, they were put
into jars for curing.

The dry weight was 130 grams, or just over 4 1/2 oz. I think that last
two weeks would have yeilded me
at least another oz.

I'm going to try water curing, so I'll
get back on the results of that...


My Romulus girls had such great potential...

They were cut down yesterday at only day 41, with at least two weeks left. Not even a chance to flush them. Damn you annual apartment inspections!

I have heard of ways to maximize the quality of early harvests like putting the colas under light to extract pigment to salvage taste...

Does anyone have experience in this...I've never had to harvest this early.....:twisted:
Hey man, that's to bad, sorry about that, but if you have a carbon filter and your SC doesn't smell, why would you have to cut them down? Would the inspector be able to smell them or did you just not want to take the chance?

I'm curious because I'm interested in the SC and live in an apartment too.


Active Member
Coulda been worse but that's such a shitty story to hear. Prolly wouldn't have found anything anyway but better 4 1/2 oz than 0 oz and 6 months. Guess it'll just force you to get innovative and more stealthy next time.