My Great Green Medical Garden of 2009!!


Hello for all those of you who have not peeked into my garden this year!!! I had a suuuuppper late start, got all my babies in by June 15th. Some of you may say, hmm, june, that's not bad...but here in northern cali, we like start our plants indoors in Jan, and put them outside around 4-20. At least people who want to yield more then a few pounds per talking up to 15 pounds a plant average!! Unfortunately, getting into my spot so late, im lucky to have what i do have. So fare i have a number of problems ranging from nute deficiency, to over nuting, dealing with every species of insect in nature it seems like, and most recently, outdoor mites..These are the worst. They spread so fast and destroy plants as quickly as they came..So fare they're only a few plants that are really infested, but not to the point where it's all shrivels up and about to die..My friend told me that mites lay dormant in/on oak trees, and come out to play mid around mid august...early in the grow, i hit the plants with a Sevin, which seemed like it killed EVERY bug that tried to perch on my plants..which may not have been the best idea i'm seeing now. I killed about all of my beneficial insects, and now there's almost no insects out there to eat those f*ckin mites. Last nite, i let go 3000 lady bugs onto the badly infected plants, and i took a look at them this morning...not looking good...almost all the lady bugs are either dead on their back, or dying on their back..i did what the directions told me, spray them with sugar water so it glues the wings shut and they don't fly away, but it seems like it just incapacitated them..They use their wings to move around, and push themselves up off their back, and they are not able to do that without wings it seems goijng to go get another few thousand and not spray them with anything... I'm trying to stay as organic as possible, with the exception of the Sevin, so fare so good. Started of my rainbow grow nutes in veg, and then switched to fox-farm because i was not liking my results with the seems like my plants were not as healthy and lush green as they should have been.. I'm now using big bloom, and tiger bloom..big bloom is organic, but i guess tiger bloom isn't... The plants are in 65 gallon smart pots, filled with a soil blend that i bought in bulk. I believe its a 50/50 blend of organic compost, and soil..they're being watered 2 times a day..5am and 3 pm i believe.. automatically with 1/4"(this im not sure of) soaker hose.(maybe 1/8"?)

15 grapefruit diesels
15 grapefruit kush
20 purple kush
8 or so head band
8 or so master kush
20 or so purple erkle, and grandaddy purple....(they were mixed up when i got them, not sure which are which)

Anywho, here's some pictures from start to today!!!

Hope you all enjoy!!!! :weed:

P.S. these picks are up to July 28th:weed:



These picks were taken August 24th.



These pics were taken today, August 27th:weed:



Well-Known Member
Wow! That looks like a lot of work but damn, wish I could grow outside. Really a bunch of great looking plants! Good luck wid those pesky mites. Ugh!


Hmmm....its very possible, but i washed the plants off 2 times before applying them..and i haven't sprayed for almost a week now..i think it was the soda water that did them in..i mixed half Hansen vanilla cream with half water..maybe too much carbonation..


Active Member
WOW just amazing, thats alot of land to be growing on. Good luck with it hope all is good and it dosent get spooted by the LEO


Wow! That looks like a lot of work but damn, wish I could grow outside. Really a bunch of great looking plants! Good luck wid those pesky mites. Ugh!

Anything worth having is worth working for!!!! I'll fight these mites till the day of harvest!!!! This garden will supply many medicinal needs, so i need to keep them alive and kickin!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
SWEEEEET! I love Cali. Just curious, but how'd you get a license to grow that many? Are you providing for a dispensary? I'm only asking because I am so jealous. I can only grow 6 mature...


SWEEEEET! I love Cali. Just curious, but how'd you get a license to grow that many? Are you providing for a dispensary? I'm only asking because I am so jealous. I can only grow 6 mature...
In California, you are aloud to grow for other people who cannot, for many different reasons, grow there own meds..whether it being because they have cancer and obviously can't do the garden work, or a various number of other illnesses. My dad for instants, has many illnesses, ranging from chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, degenerative disc syndrome, and a bunch of other stuff that i don't want to get into..medical marijuana makes is so he doesn't take half as many other medications, like Oxycontin, Vicodin, Percecot, etc...I grow meds for 8 diff people other then myself, and where i live, i am not braking any laws.:weed:


Just wanted to give everyone an update on the breezys. They are still being attacked my mites, i could find at least one mite/aphid/unidentified flying insect on just about every plant. I have let 10,000 lady bugs in the garden and they're no where to be found, or dead in the pots and on the leafs..Does anyone think that the mere site of a lady bug, dead or alive, would scare other bugs away?? Maybe a mite or two that try to invade new territory?? That would be nice huh? Other then all these buggers, they're starting to fill out nicely. The Big girls "pineapples", are even forming flowers, as well as the head bands. They were definitely 2 or 3 weeks behind the grapefruit kush and grapefruit diesel. The aroma is so freaking sweet out there, smells like candy!!Well here's some porn for ya'll!!!



You'Re my hero man... :D
Thanks, i should make my own hero suit!!

Nice Pits, sorry about the mite problem. Hope you get a handle on them quick. :joint:
Ya, thanks...i would need a miracle if i wanted to get rid of the fuckers. Like some sort of natural pesticidal storm that kills all herbivore bugs!!! Luckily they are mainly on some smaller plants..but i can find at least one a plant if i look hard enough:shock::joint: Anyone ever used Azatrol??? I almost bought some yesterday, but when i went to ring it up, the shit was like $130!!! It would be worth it if it had good results...anyone used it??