My Grow...1 Plant!


Well-Known Member
Nice setup, is that a indica? I'm new and not too familiar with the two. :weed:
Updating, I'll keep stopping back by to checkup.



Active Member
Im not sure bud...its bagseed! so just hoping for the best.....BUTTT last night when my timer turned the lights off about an hour later they turned back on!!!fucker!!!..lucky i was in the room and flewww to the timer and pulled it out so the lights would go off again! is this gonna be bad??? it shouldnt be to bad right? let me know!


Well-Known Member
only thing rong is your timer!

makes sure doesnt happen agen or it will be a problem :)


Active Member
So were 3 days into flowering! no signs of a boy or girl yet but im confident shes a she! haha....In the third pic you only see 5 lights but i took away the other two away just for the pic! Peace!



Well-Known Member
home depot has a real cheap HPS 50 watt that wont make much heat and will work wonders for you in addition with the cfls!


Well-Known Member
Dam, you only started with 1 plant, i had 6, already tossed 2 to due to sexing, 2 ladies, 1 more possible male, and last unknown. start woth more dude, all that work for nothing, SHITTY


Well-Known Member
Dam, you only started with 1 plant, i had 6, already tossed 2 to due to sexing, 2 ladies, 1 more possible male, and last unknown. start woth more dude, all that work for nothing, SHITTY
I wouldn't grow just one plant unless the seed is feminized. Good luck, pray it's a girl.


Well-Known Member
some say the more you stress a plant, the better chances you have of getting a female...(breaking branches, giving it a drought, or flood etc. )


Well-Known Member
Drink soda? Take a sharp knife and slice the 12 oz cans in two even part, use clippers to get the last inch or so, unless your knife is *razor* sharp. Take a nail and put at least 4 holes on the bottom sides, or drill through the bottom. The top half's work is already done for you, just try to replace the tab lazily, and bingo, enough room to drain. Plus the insides are aluminum, an excellent reflector. 2 23w CFL lights per twelve cans works out pretty well for a couple weeks(with an aluminum reflector). Might want to wash the cans in hot soapy water and rinse well before using... some germs can be bitches. If you have bag seed, germinate enough for your space/light(expect to lose at least 1-2 per dozen -it's bag seed).