My Grow Cabinet


Finally! Flower cabinet is finished. Im just going to post pics with a little info.
Any questions... ask away!

cabinet00.jpg cabinet01.jpg

A woodworker friend made this for some trade work. Haven't put the seals on yet.


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Same collars I made, but I spanned a piece of metal in the tube and welded a washer to it, then epoxied the computer fan to it. The cooltube fan is 45 cfm. The filter fan is 80 cfm. Both powered with wall-warts.


this is very good post! I like your grow cabinet :O)
could I ask you --- if I will grow 5 plans in such cabinet ( not hydro) what will be the measurements for the cabinet?

thank you :O)


Niice what size is ur bulb in the flowering cabinet. Are yo going to be bending your plants?
Its a 250w HPS, not planning on bending them. These 2 were a little taller than planed, but I think I have the height to finish them out. The grape ape doesn't seem to stretch that much


Well-Known Member
I had some grape ape and they stretch vertically like a bitch during flowering literally like towers. Look into bending them or something just a heads up! but good job so far!!