My Grow Cabinet


this is very good post! I like your grow cabinet :O)
could I ask you --- if I will grow 5 plans in such cabinet ( not hydro) what will be the measurements for the cabinet?

thank you :O)
You could have 20 in there if you wanted, all depends their height when you start your flowering cycle. I'm starting mine @ 8" so they finish around 16" to 20". When filled to capacity there will be 8 in there at all times. Pulling 2 every 2 weeks


Very nice! Im in the works as we speak on doing something similar.

Were did you get the "Flashgro" reflective fabric from?


damn sir! your cabinet is sick! i have one like this. no veg cab on the top though. nice touch with the glass bottom! any locks on the doors? may be no need, depending on your living situation. this grow is probably over, but have you had any more since? do you have air circulation/ ventalation?


Active Member
Your cabnet makes mine look horrible. But at least i tried. I didn't get many comments either and it took me quite awhile to document and build As well as make a video. It was my first attempt and already Ive run outta room and need to move to something bigger. problem is that i cant seem to find a decent closet to mod so i think i might have to just make one plus i have no clue about electrical wiring or metal halide with cooling and ballast. Bought a build plugged it in then got pissed because the thing sucked the power out of my power strip killing my fans plugged into a atx pc power supply so taking it back tomorrow then reading up quite a bit. What nutrients do you use for your hydro? where did you get it at? and is that a store bought charcoal filter i made mine from parts at menards. Check out my setup at least. Let me know what you think. It was just a quick hey why not try it probably good for babies using cfls but my plants are getting a little to high for it.

video and my grow blog in the link


looks pretty nice man. i want to do that with my closet but my parents would get already got caught once