My Grow Journal


Active Member
Yeah you want them CFL's to be right up near the plant.
You will be so excited about how big she is gonna get during flowering!
Just remember, patience is key, you kind of need to forget about it for awhile and just follow the water/nute cycle and let her have her alone time, but don't be afraid to breathe on them, they like it!

Do you have any bloom nutes yet?
I personally use FF ocean forest as my soil, FF grow big for vegatative growth, and FF tiger bloom for flowering, really nice nutes for semi-cheap.


Active Member
Yeah you want them CFL's to be right up near the plant.
You will be so excited about how big she is gonna get during flowering!
Just remember, patience is key, you kind of need to forget about it for awhile and just follow the water/nute cycle and let her have her alone time, but don't be afraid to breathe on them, they like it!

Do you have any bloom nutes yet?
I personally use FF ocean forest as my soil, FF grow big for vegatative growth, and FF tiger bloom for flowering, really nice nutes for semi-cheap.
You're using everything I am using! She hasn't got much bigger. She isn't growing in height or leaf size. Just kind of sitting there. I personally don't think she will make it.


New Member
You're using everything I am using! She hasn't got much bigger. She isn't growing in height or leaf size. Just kind of sitting there. I personally don't think she will make it.
hey dont give up on her yet
got to run but think positive and talk to her tell her grow baby grow:weed:


Active Member
Hey Kayla,

I'm sure you understand, there's always more than meets the eye....

A plant is kinda like an iceberg, where probably more than half of it is invisible, under the soil...

All though you may not notice any difference(which there probably is, you're just checking so much you won't notice ;) seen as your last post was 1 day before), it is more than likely thriving beneath the soil.

Don't give up hope! Like fabfun said, keep positive!!!

Its a long process that i'm guessing you know already :) just sit back relax and let the juices flow!!


Active Member
Hey Kayla,

I'm sure you understand, there's always more than meets the eye....

A plant is kinda like an iceberg, where probably more than half of it is invisible, under the soil...

All though you may not notice any difference(which there probably is, you're just checking so much you won't notice ;) seen as your last post was 1 day before), it is more than likely thriving beneath the soil.

Don't give up hope! Like fabfun said, keep positive!!!

Its a long process that i'm guessing you know already :) just sit back relax and let the juices flow!!

Thanks! :) I knowwww and I'm trying. I guess after seeing my other 8 sprouts grow SO fast I just get a little disappointed when my new little baby is runt size right now haha!


Active Member
Here is a picture of my little sprout. Sorry it's blurry but you can see her size compared the perlite again. I compared the other pictures I have and she has def grown :) her leaves arnt as green and her stem is pretty skinny but I suppose that's normal.



Active Member
Yeah don't give up at all!
I'm on my 3rd grow and it seems that 3rd time is a charm for me.

My first grow my plant died from not giving nutrients (n00b mistake)
My second grow my plant turned out to be a male!
So now my third grow, I'm hoping to see some buds so I planted 2 plants to give me a higher chance at a female.

But as long as you have good soil, give them the right spectrum of light, and give them the right amount of nutes at the right time (If you don't understand it, you will, over time. I promise) , they WILL grow!


Active Member

She looks healthy =) just going to take a little time. the sun gives off about 1KW per Sq.M. rough est. (perfect conditions). From what I read above you have 92W per Sq.M... So, in theory =) as long as it's a 10th the size of your previous plants, it's going fine =) I'm glad you can see a difference now, as I understand how frustrating it is!

Keep up the good work, Good Luck and Have Fun!


Good Luck on your grow! I'm on number 3 also.

1st Was outside, big plant, small buds. Stupidly heavy high though.
2nd Was in my cupboard, CFL's they died =( Not enough air/lights. the temps were way to high!
3rd Is now, with a tent, Big CFL's and a 600w hps! =) I had to plant 4, scared of males. I had to pull one last night, was starting to cover in balls :( 3 left, not sure about the one. two look female! Chuffed indeed! :)

So hope 3rd time is lucky for you bud!!


Active Member
Havn't checked on her in about 20 hours so I just took a quick snapshot while I adjusted my lights and changed out a water bowl and watered her.


Just ordered 4 feminized Pure AK seeds as well.


Active Member
Congratz on not checking her.. Bet ya feel proud! :) it's hard having to leave a new born alone for a while eh?!

No, I just meant when its outside there's a lot more light available, so they must grow quicker that's all. Well they always seem to for me.

Don't let people like me influence you into doing other things! (I made that mistake) What you're doing is probably about right for the setup you have. You yourself will understand more than any of us what your plant needs, as you are the one there with her and know her better than anyone else.. ;)

If YOU want to add another light because YOU believe its going to be benefit her and not cause her any harm then, go ahead :) as long as your hand doesn't feel too warm at plant level, it's all kushty :)

In the pic of her "New Home", the light looks pretty far away. You got a measurement of how far? I used be able to easily get my 125W big CFL within 2 inch of the tops of mine, but i always make sure there is an active airflow around it. But that was my own conditions. Yours may be different obviously. Just put your hand in between the cfl and your little girl and see what its feeling! :)

I would see how close you can comfortably get one for now, the heat of two might be too much. If you do, just make sure you check and keep an eye on her.

She's looking good, I'm subbed on this thread, I want to see you pull this off!

:) !Keep up the good work! :)