My Grow Kicking Ninja ass under a 150 hps Tell me what you think!!!


Active Member
my understanding is genotype + environment → phenotype... i did sum reading on phenotype and genotype, genotype being "the inherited instructions within its genetic code" and phenotype being the expression in the genes as altered by conditions but couldnt be possible without the im jus figuring since all the seeds came from the same buds and would have that inherited instruction and with the aid of a consistent environment couldnt i bank on all the future plants going purp..interested to hear your thoughts...and im not saying that everytime it would be the same development i.e clonin but im wondering if i can count on the purp always showing up from that seed batch? all those shells have the same shape but have different color patterns in their phenotypes due to different environments...
alright smokie...glad to hear ya got high and got more purps...but it still sounds like a different pheno...both purps though...fuckin sweet. wampus....flat reflects better...for this reason....gloss will reflect the light at the opposite angleso its very much like looking in a mirror....if the light comes from straight on it will reflect straight back...but if its angled the gloss angles it to the opposite...not making much sense am i....anyway...flat evenly dispuses the light after it hits it because there is no glossy effect to angle the light in any specific direction....still works though so whatever...that was all pointless will still grow nugs...tin foil works fuckin fine too...grew plenty of plants surrounded by it and never saw a hot spot...ever....also used the emergency great too...its just mylar. sometimes a plant will show sex before flower but often times if you take a closer look its actually just eye trickery. :)....oh and need to get a vape dude so you can smoke buds fresh off the plant :)



Well-Known Member
So do they end up straightening themselves out or whada they look like after, all on the sides? Great info Thanks + REp!

alright...since it seems some have a real interest in supercropping i though i would get off my lazy ass and do i did it...took some pics to show yall...supercropping isnt scary...and WILL maximize your yields in a couple of ways...first as i said earlier gives your plant a larger footprint giving it more sites for colas to form...second...when the bend heals in about a day it gets bigger creating a sort of super highway for nutes to travel through your stem...anyway..enough are the pics...hope they help

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Well-Known Member
no cannot count on the same phenotypes from the same set of genotypes....that is one reason we clone....that is another reason my buds n i have been searching for the specific purple pheno with neb...also found a pink pheno...and a regular old green. remember this too...if you are can create fake puple...also cold temps can cause purple to come out in bud....
and legalize i followed your fridge build....i have to the nutes in the door it....anyways...they dont straighten out if you do it correctly...its been over 24 hours now since i snapped em...shit almost 30 or is a pic of how they look right view...bottom view...and a pic of a can see...everything starts growin upward right away


Active Member
gud shit on the croppin it seems u layed em down to nothing but sunlight i can see alot of buds in the future
no cannot count on the same phenotypes from the same set of genotypes....that is one reason we clone....that is another reason my buds n i have been searching for the specific purple pheno with neb...also found a pink pheno...and a regular old green. remember this too...if you are can create fake puple...also cold temps can cause purple to come out in bud....
and legalize i followed your fridge build....i have to the nutes in the door it....anyways...they dont straighten out if you do it correctly...its been over 24 hours now since i snapped em...shit almost 30 or is a pic of how they look right view...bottom view...and a pic of a can see...everything starts growin upward right away
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Active Member
i am going for 5 foot wide, 3 deep, 6 tall, I was going for 6 wide 4 deep and 6 tall, I need saw horses damn its hard to bend over to the ground and cut, DANGER to.
yeah thats pretty much what ive been doin. what good for one isnt always good for another. good luck on your build. how big are you goin?


Well-Known Member
i am going for 5 foot wide, 3 deep, 6 tall, I was going for 6 wide 4 deep and 6 tall, I need saw horses damn its hard to bend over to the ground and cut, DANGER to.
BE careful man, watch where your cord from the saw is. Dont wanna cut that with the wood. Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
If you have a wooden porch you could put the piece of on the corner of the porch and like cut one half of piece and then spin it around and cut the other half. but you said 103 yesterday it got. Fuck working out in that weather. Did you ever think of super cropping your plant to save the height problem?


Well-Known Member
who the heck would want to smoke a wet and damp bud, fresh off the plant??!?! That's the most retarded thing I've heard yet on this forums. I mean, for one: the buds aren't going to taste anything like they would if you were to properly dry and cure them. Or just letting them dry.. would be better than trying to smoke a bud that's still wet and damp from being cut fresh off the plant.

Secondly, your not going to get stoned from doing that..

My point here is.. its a waste of product.. as well as a waste of time. But hey, if you think your getting high.. and your not being counterproductive.. then have at it.

And while you noobs are trying to smoke fresh moist buds... we experienced people will be in a whole nother world smoking on our properly grown and properly dried/cured buds. And, while your still wondering why your buds taste like shit.. and your on your 5th bowl.. and still not high... we experienced growers will be up in the clouds high and stoned.

Just MO. ;)


Active Member
ya I am going to try the supercrop, but also later crops I want to try just letting them grow tall just to see how it turns out, main reason is I wanted to make sure I had room with the light the height of the plants, its not going to leave much room even if I do supercrop, my plants are tall ( almost 4 months old )
If you have a wooden porch you could put the piece of on the corner of the porch and like cut one half of piece and then spin it around and cut the other half. but you said 103 yesterday it got. Fuck working out in that weather. Did you ever think of super cropping your plant to save the height problem?


Well-Known Member
ganjaluvr is correct. moist buds are a waste of product.
why grow a plant and take the wet product off and smoke. When we grow to smoke the dry and cured delicious nuggets.
But idk about you ganjaluvr but i like my buds a tad sticky. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ya I am going to try the supercrop, but also later crops I want to try just letting them grow tall just to see how it turns out, main reason is I wanted to make sure I had room with the light the height of the plants, its not going to leave much room even if I do supercrop, my plants are tall ( almost 4 months old )
Yah man. Goodluck tell me how it comes out with the croppin.


Active Member
ganjaluvr's comment on smokeing straight from the plant reminded me of a friend I had some years back, he grew a plant that was about 10' tall and looked like an xmas tree, full of buds man, he cut it and DID NOT CURE THE BUDS , he gave me a big sack to get rid of for him, and I opended it up to try and smoke a j , and omg, cough cough cough, then BIGGGG COUGH, the paper i rolled it with was wet, tasted like crap, so he wasted his whole crop because of not cure the buds, or letting them atleast dry out. I brought the bag back to him and it weighed less than it did when he gave it to me and tried to say i stole it lmao, I had to explain to him that it just dried out some and lost weight. I dont even think he waited for the buds to fully flower. just thougth I would share that lil story maybe someone will get a lil laugh from it. :D


Active Member
i am going for 5 foot wide, 3 deep, 6 tall, I was going for 6 wide 4 deep and 6 tall, I need saw horses damn its hard to bend over to the ground and cut, DANGER to.
did you want to have the DIY cab ? you can get a tent fairly cheap on ebay, and they already have reflective material lining the inside. you can set one up in about 30 minutes depending on the size


Active Member
yes I have been looking at them, and will probly get one by next spring and will probly cut the one I am building now down in size to about a 4x4x6 to use for my grow cab.
did you want to have the DIY cab ? you can get a tent fairly cheap on ebay, and they already have reflective material lining the inside. you can set one up in about 30 minutes depending on the size


Active Member
today is my 53rd day of flowering i might go as long as it takes for the amber to show up i see sum here and there but no consistency yet...i can say a week and half the most
yo smoke, how far along are you into the flowering now? you should be getting close huh?