My Grow Kicking Ninja ass under a 150 hps Tell me what you think!!!


Well-Known Member guys are confused on dont just nuy a bloom booster or some random bottle from a nute buy a have to mix them all together each watering to ensure a healthy plant...they mix together in different amounts during the life of a plant to give it the nutes it cant just buy one bottle and handle a grow...ikm exhausted...iwill be back with a run down on howthey work later fellas

btw..i aint sayin a 150 wont just a shit giver :) but you are very limited in plant numbers with a 150....thats all...they still work by all means


Well-Known Member

was wondering if you had an online seed source for some of those good strains your growing, or if they've been "aquired" through the years. has worked great for me over the years, but are usually late getting the newer strains.



I use general hydroponics 3 part liquid fertilizer. Tells me on the back exactly how much of each to use at all stages of plant life! It's about $35 gal. for each part. I grow in soiless mix. 75% peat moss, 25% perelite, and some garden lime to keep ph in check.


Well-Known Member guys are confused on dont just nuy a bloom booster or some random bottle from a nute buy a have to mix them all together each watering to ensure a healthy plant...they mix together in different amounts during the life of a plant to give it the nutes it cant just buy one bottle and handle a grow...ikm exhausted...iwill be back with a run down on howthey work later fellas

btw..i aint sayin a 150 wont just a shit giver :) but you are very limited in plant numbers with a 150....thats all...they still work by all means
yah honkey 150W arent as powerful as mine 400w. i have one plant only for that one 400w. im getting more plants going from 12/12 in my grow room.


Active Member
ive recently done the same...i leave a bed of about an inch at the bottom and also i thin layer on top...gud shit!
you wont hurt it if you transplant like you you were going to. do switch to plastic pots or grow bags. if youre worried about airation of the soil add perlite to your new transplant mix. i always add a perlite bed when i transplant so the roots have somthing airy and moist to attack


Active Member
i only speak of MG lol... guys are confused on dont just nuy a bloom booster or some random bottle from a nute buy a have to mix them all together each watering to ensure a healthy plant...they mix together in different amounts during the life of a plant to give it the nutes it cant just buy one bottle and handle a grow...ikm exhausted...iwill be back with a run down on howthey work later fellas

btw..i aint sayin a 150 wont just a shit giver :) but you are very limited in plant numbers with a 150....thats all...they still work by all means


Active Member
only 1-2 to two plants can have a gud result under a 150watt HPS so if your growing small go for it....if you plan on having more than that i would upgrade....if i had it my way i wouldnt be using them CFL's, i jus thought quick and luckily they worked out!!!! no doubt they work...but the general rule is i think 75-100 watts per happy plant....all depends on size of your plants with this light i can see a couple of autoflowers being ideal under that light!!! guys are confused on dont just nuy a bloom booster or some random bottle from a nute buy a have to mix them all together each watering to ensure a healthy plant...they mix together in different amounts during the life of a plant to give it the nutes it cant just buy one bottle and handle a grow...ikm exhausted...iwill be back with a run down on howthey work later fellas

btw..i aint sayin a 150 wont just a shit giver :) but you are very limited in plant numbers with a 150....thats all...they still work by all means


Active Member
had to go back to the store LOL , I messed up on how many boards I needed, I should be able to get the back and top on tomorrow, its only about 2 pm here and the heat is on, so ya time to come in, and maybe roll a big :joint: and :eyesmoke:.

what up smoke, hows the ladies looking??


Active Member
yo honkey, how many plants do ya think a 150 hps will take care of? think it will take care of my cab i am buildin? with maybe 4 plants or do i need to get some more lights, if so what would you recommend? guys are confused on dont just nuy a bloom booster or some random bottle from a nute buy a have to mix them all together each watering to ensure a healthy plant...they mix together in different amounts during the life of a plant to give it the nutes it cant just buy one bottle and handle a grow...ikm exhausted...iwill be back with a run down on howthey work later fellas

btw..i aint sayin a 150 wont just a shit giver :) but you are very limited in plant numbers with a 150....thats all...they still work by all means


Well-Known Member
yo honkey, how many plants do ya think a 150 hps will take care of? think it will take care of my cab i am buildin? with maybe 4 plants or do i need to get some more lights, if so what would you recommend?
you could prolly run about 10 plants under it if you cluster and lollipop....but you know....if you are gonna spend the money on a 150...may as well get a i could find a 400 cheap as fuck on craigslist...thats where i always get my can offer private sellers less and...people that are sellin lights usually are tryin to out their op quickly for one reason or another yanno. = good deal for you


Active Member
yo honkey, how many plants do ya think a 150 hps will take care of? think it will take care of my cab i am buildin? with maybe 4 plants or do i need to get some more lights, if so what would you recommend?

that light would carry you thru a complete grow . built in ballast comes with mh a hps capabilities just change the bulb and flip the switch. this is what im runnin now


Active Member


Active Member
I did the search for hps near where I am but nothing, I did though do a search and found this in orleans

look locally...there is a 1k setup for less

here is a 400 for $100. im just sayin...look at your local craigslist...just search hps :)

another 400 for $125


Well-Known Member
I was fortunate enough to have a friend make me my whole light system{400w}
Free of charge. came with free hash,free bulb, and free buds.
Best things in the world are free!


Active Member
Well wampus arent we the experiments than ? Well i guess i will test out how many plants i can pump out at one time i have one thats like 6 wheeks into flowering and 5 other with it in the same fridge that are about 2 or 3 wheeks in {if thats not an sog i dont knwo what is lol} and honkey town what is lolloping and clustering and such please enlighten me? im running two seperate 150 hps in two sepereate fridges i got a flower box and a veg box so if i run of room in the flower box {left two still in veg } so i can hopefully have a cont harvest and untill i get a good strain im putting my cloning on hold {why clone bag seed ?} trying to make a set up for a poor friend of mine {one cfl} just so i can prove his dad wrong about my lights that it actaully will make great buds and the fact that i think i could make a mini plant flower under a single cfl but i guess i wont explain it till i get some pics up!? ahh im rambling had a huge party at my cousins house last night and i have to say i havent drank like that since i met my old lady {shes on vacation haha}


Active Member
150 watt and two flouros (warm) off to the side and imflowering two plants. I jus read that if you cut down the time in the flowering to 11/13 you can speed up maturation and the quality of the bud is ideal but compromise yield and if you lengthen the time by a hr 13/11 you get bigger yield but the light degrades THC so compromise in the 12/12 remains the truth dead smack in the middle for a good yield and great quality...
NICE KUSH! what is that growing under agian?