My Grow Room Plans/ Grow Journal


Active Member
Hey everyone, this is going to be my first grow ever and I don't know much about growing yet. I know some of the basics from reading many different threads on here but I will still need some advice with some things. I decided to ask you guys for opinions on this room and if all goes well and I do start growing in it, I will probably have this thread double as my grow journal as well.

Down to business.... I am going to build a small grow room in my room and the plan is for complete stealth and ZERO smell. I live with my parents and that is why I need to keep it as stealthy as possible.

Here is what I plan to grow in...

It is a big cabinet I have had and I cleared out a space on the bottom to grow in. The inside measures 22 3/4" Deep x 22" Wide x 48" Height

Onto the design...

I have some knowledge with 3d Designing so I decided to design a small grow room and ask you guys for your opinions and advice on the whole design and grow.

Here is the basic design...

I plan to separate the big chamber I have into one big chamber, and one smaller one for venting the air. I plan on building a recessed wall for the room so that when you open the whole door for the cabinet, you will not see a bunch of weed plants growing right in front of you :mrgreen:. I plan to make this wall recessed by about 3 inches so that drops the depth of the grow room down to about ~18-19 inches deep (which should still be adequate). I will have the bottom chamber (grow chamber) have a door that open just like any regular door so I can easily feed or water or move the plants around if needed. The upper chamber (vent chamber) will have a door that opens downward (the same way as the overhead chambers open in an airplane) and here I will have two computer fans that will be on a variable speed controller that will suck the hot air out of the grow chamber. I will have some type of air ionizer (still undecided on what to get) that will filter out the air and get it smelling normal. Last there will be another computer fan that blows the filtered air out of the vent chamber and I may still have a carbon filter attached to this exhaust fan just to make sure that no smell whatsoever leaves the chamber.

The Grow Chamber....

Here is a picture of some pots sitting on the ground just like they would if I had some in there.

In the bottom right corner, you can see the intake fan, which is just another computer fan that I will have hooked up to a speed controller. (I am debating on if I should put some type of filter on the intake fan just to prevent any smell from getting past)

Here is a closer view of the fan so you get the idea of where it will be.

Onto the lighting....

I am still debating on using a CFL or HPS light setup. I am thinking of possibly switching the lighting source inbetween the veg and the flowering stage. (Don't know which light would be best for which stage so feel free to chime in) I do know I will have the light fixture supported by 4 strings so I will be able to adjust the height to the optimum position.

Here is a basic design of how the light would be setup

As you can see, the strings will be fed straight up into four small holes I will make and they will go all the way up to the vent room, where I will have them attached to some type of securing device so that I can raise and lower them very easily. Here is a design of what I mean.

The four metal posts you see is where I would have something I can fasten the string to in order to hold the light in place.


We have already discussed the intake fan on the bottom of the Grow Chamber, so we will move on to the other fans. I will have two holes in the top of the grow room which will be attached to the two computer fans (that I can adjust speed on)

Here is a design of what it would look like...

Here is where the rear fan would be located...

As you can see it is right under the exhaust fan, so I would use some type of ducting to route the air away from the exhaust fan so it has time to purify.

The ducting would end right where the second fan would be placed so the air will mix together in a similar fashion.

I would then have some type of air ionizer in the vent room that will be small and compact, yet have enough power to effectively eliminate almost all odors from the room. The little white box I made symbolizes the air purifier.

Here is just a little lighting effects on the design I made.

And this one is a picture inside the Grow Chamber with the doors closed and the lights on

And like I said, I am looking for stealth, so this is what it would look like with all the doors closed, and LOCKED.

and all closed up so noone would notice...

I made two separate chambers for this room because I think it will be easier to adjust things like fan speed and light height and other things.

Ok, so the things I need from you guys...

First off to let you know my goals....
1. I will be growing White Widow most likely, or one of her sister plants
2. I am not looking for AMAZING yield, just something that will last me and my friend a couple of months of smoking (and maybe a little extra to sell to some friends)
3. Once again, I stress, this is supposed to be very stealth so that nobody can hear, smell, or see my plants growing who isn't supposed to see them.

I would like everyone's opinion on these things...
1. What lighting system(s) should I use for veg and flower stages?
2. What filters should I use for my intake and exhaust fans?
3. What air purifier should I use that will work good for my grow?
4. How many plants do you guys think I will be able to grow in the room? By the way, the room will be ~18-19" Deep x 22" Wide x ~35-38" High after the walls and separate chambers are installed

If you have read this far, thank you because I know it is a long ass post. Please post your opinions on my grow room and answer some of the questions I have.

Stay High :joint:


Well-Known Member
great design, but why don't you save the thing for when you move out of your parents house. they would be the ones to suffer if you are busted.


Active Member
Oh, there is no chance of them getting busted by the cops. We live in an apartment building, but my dad owns it, and nobody lives above me or below me so nobody will really be able to smell it, especially if i get a good air purifier. I am just trying to keep it stealth because I don't want my parents finding out. (they don't even know I smoke the shit let alone start growing it haha) Plus they are barely ever in my room so I won't have to worry that much about them.


Well-Known Member
with a small growing space like that you will have to be carefull of the lighting you use. a 400watt metal halide or hps would be great but you would have to compensate with excellent airflow and venting to maintain a healthy temperature for your plants. I would choose a light that is in your budget and then design your ventillation around that.


Well-Known Member
The animation n shit is real cool bra. kinda got a feel for what u doin.
id go with hps u already said in chat u can cool it so id go for it.
Damn if everyone who didnt have pics could do this.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
that space looks too small for a cool tube. or at least mine. you would ned to get a shorter one and blow air through one side, through the tube and out the other end, no the ceiling. you don't have enough space to bend the ducting. you would be better off with a square reflector.

how old are you? and nice computer work.


Well-Known Member
If i was you i would use chains to hang your lighting with small hooks screwed into ceiling.
A lot easier than pissing about tying strings.
Like the plans man :blsmoke: