my grow


Well-Known Member
some of the leaves wilted off, but its doin..... ok...

now i dont think im going to have a microscope to look at the buds to see if its ready or not.

is there a way of figurin out whens the good time to chop it down with out the microscope?????


Well-Known Member
GOD DANG IT!!!!!!!
damn spidermites, i see strings from top to top and leaf to leaf, ive been searchin for this guy for 10 min. and i still cant find the bitch!!!!


Well-Known Member
on one top, all its hairs are practicaly full red, at the base its a lil white.
does this mean its full mature in that area?
i dont want the thc to go bad, and also i wanna smoke it REAAALLY BAD!!!


Well-Known Member
ok i think im going to chop it down in 2 weeks, at the most.
it looks like its gettin close to bein done and in 2 weeks it would be in flowering for 10 weeks.
now from what i am told this is a respected amount of time for harvest, but i hear you should use a microscope and look at the tricinomes (or whatever they are called sry) but i dont got one.
i have this lil magnafying glass that if i get real close with it i can see them, but i still dont think its good enought to tell if they are cloudy or clear.
is there a different way to tell when to harvest with out the microscope?


Well-Known Member
<------ dont click
im sorry to disappoint you guys but i got no pics and i smoked the plant, im smokin the last bit right now.

the high is great, its nice and uplifing high.

ive never had weed like this be for, and i think i like it better than indica weed.
and thats what most of the comercial is here in oklahoma. gahh it makes me tired.

i got a few seeds from it im going to grow it a second time, im going to get a 250+ watt light fixture. that wont be for a lil while though.
dont click------------>


Well-Known Member
dude i just moved to OKC like 3 months ago and i cant find ANY herb! I even been hangin around head shops 'shoulder tapping' and no luck. do u know where there is a fuckin ghetto???


Active Member
headshop shoulder tapping.. damn.. hope you score...
anyway.. bro.. flicks look like light or nute burn a little.
ph testing is a must once you can budget for it. look on ebay for a test kit or tester.
its more important than nutes... but you will also need ph up and ph down too...
if that magnifying glass is all you have try and use it to look for milky colored trichs. harvest can be as soon as 47 days in some strains dude. lighted scopes are only 20$ or so at radio-hacc or hydro shops

keep it growing homie.