My Growing Had Been A Blessing.


Well-Known Member
Most of you know that my wife is sick but for those who dont here's the scoop,she has Multiple Sclorosis & was diagnosed with the Progressive strain of the disease which means it moves foward at a rapid rate & causes much intense pain.

I got back into growing because i missed the hobby,this was before we knew she had MS ,she was wrongly diagnosed with Fibro Myalgia for years & given the wrong medicine,we've pretty much allways smoked & the weed helped relax her alot so it was a win win situation.

After her latest diagnosis of Progressive MS we started paying attention to her symptoms & reading all we could on pain management for that disease,we found out that mj is one of the most effective drugs in the whole treatment picture of the disease so we started a planned treatment using more & more mj instead of the perscribed oxycontin,vicoden & muscle relaxers.

Her symptoms are 'loss of equlibrium' which causes her to stagger or fall down when she walks 'muscle spasms' that cause her stomache to convulse leaving her writhing in pain & a 100% loss of appitite where she's doing good if she is able to eat a hand full of peanuts or cashews all day long,the doctors perscribe a plethera of different drugs to control the pain & spasms non of which work real well.

We've found out that by having a constant supply of top quality smoke on hand that if she smokes a doob or a bowl at the onset of a spasm it will lesson or eliminate the spasm all together,when the severe pain hits she takes oxycontin which does not work,it gets her stoned but the pain is still there,if she smokes a bowl or 2 along with the oxycontin it takes her pain level from a level 10 which means a trip to the hospital for Dilaudid injections all the way down to a level 4 or 5 which translates into a manageable amount of pain,still lots of pain but not an all consuming pain level that she would be at without the smoke in her system.

Her appitite has been destroyed for months & for a woman as small as she is when she's in top health (110 lbs) this is a dangerous situation,if she smokes small amounts of weed it gives her the munchies just enough where she can eat a andwich or a small portion of meat,this is a big blessing in itself.

She has legions all over the left side of her brain that are growing very fast,we know the rate at which they are growing from comparing the constant MRI's that she has done on her brain,now that we've trippled the amount of mj she's using in conjunction with the prescribed drugs, were watching the MRI results even closer to see if it will slow or stop the growth rate of the legions.

Were finding out that the more we up the doseage of pot she uses in conjunction with the prescription drugs she's taking the better she feels & the better quality of life she has,the more she smokes the more she eats,the more she smokes the less pain she has,the more she smokes the better she sleeps,the more she smokes the more balance she has while walking ect,she is using a whole lot of pot right now (about 1/4 oz a day) without one single negative side effect,only good things.

We did not get back into growing for using it as a medcine but were both glad as hell we did because it's playing the largest role in her treatment to date,the more she uses mj the more of the wife i know & love for the last several decades returns to me,our children have noticed the difference in her quality of life as well as we have,we do not lie to them & they are fully aware that their mother is using mj very heavily & they agree with it.

The reason i posted this was not for attention,every day somebody posts some negative thread on this forum about getting busted or their girlfriend flipping over it so i thought it a good time to post a part of my life where heavy mj use is doing something good for a person who's done nothing to deserve the hand she's been dealt,good things can come from using mj & were finding out more & more each day.

I thank god for my ability to grow mj because without it my family would be devastated right now.


Active Member
Thanks for the story. Since I started looking into MMJ, I keep hearing more and more impressive stories like this one.


Well-Known Member
The shit that pisses me off the most is now that this issue is effecting my family on a personal level i see for the 1st time how deeply rooted most doctors ignorance really is about mj.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Doctors depend on what the drug manufactures tell them, both forget that there is follow up necessary when you give someone a prescription, its not a joke, it should be a crime too be a Doctor and be stupid. Lester Grinspoon, Harvard Medical School, said it all.
I had discussion with folks that think they are Medical professionals on both sides of the fence, all I asked them to do was really check out what is available, do the research, you see this just has to be done, we need to get the patients off the battlefield. VV


Well-Known Member
me and my girlfriend started growing. Her sister(24) was diagnosed with MS last year.
she stopped smoking once she was diagnosed because she pretty emotional and believed it would trigger paranoia about the MS.

my girlfriend has talked to her about medical marijuana and the fact that she could get a card if she moved, she wants to go to Cali. But she doesn't really believe it can help.
She says she over the paranoia thing and would smoke but has to take a drug test sometime for her job but she won't get the test over with so she can smoke.

I am positive it could help her dramatically as she has many of those symptoms and prescriptions. How long has she had MS? Keep a big bag for your wife and yourself, peace.


Well-Known Member
I guess you are not in a MMJ friendly state huh panhead? Maybe you can look into supporting legislation for MMJ in your state. Good luck panhead my prayers are with you and your wife :peace:


Well-Known Member
I guess you are not in a MMJ friendly state huh panhead? Maybe you can look into supporting legislation for MMJ in your state. Good luck panhead my prayers are with you and your wife :peace:
Supporting Medical Marijuana for the State he lives in is his signature?? VV

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing that information. I agree - Modern Medicine is just ignorant.

I was crippled in a car wreck 20+ years ago. I was crushed from the waist down. I was hit by a drunk driver on my way home from work. It was a long painful battle. It took me several years of painful therapy to learn to walk again. In the past 20 years I have run the gambit of pain medications and alternative treatments to help control the ever present chronic pain. About 5 years ago, a pain specialist I was seeing mentioned Medical Marijuana but because I was living in Wisconsin at the time, she could not do much. Her hands were tied. Long story short - I have never looked back. All my family knows what I am doing and are grateful to still have me around with an improved quality of life. After dealing with all the problems associated with buying black market bud, I decided to try to grow my own supply. What a great solution to the problem. Thanks to all the folks around here that have helped me along the way. We need to share our experience, strength and hope. It is a shame that I have to sneak around like a criminal but it has improved my quality of life and I refuse to go back to living from dose to ineffective dose of narcotics. The MJ makes my other pain meds more effective and I rely on small maintenance doses instaed of spending my days gooed out on narcotics.


Well-Known Member
Panhead,let's all just hope we see a change in these ridiculous laws soon.My thoughts are with your wife.
Thanks stoney,things just might be looking a bit brighter (knocks on wood),Barbara has been hospitalized a while now,her current major problem aside from the MS is accute pancritis (spelling),accute pancritis causes deathly amounts of pain & the standard treatment is to not allow the patient to eat or drink anything at all,this allows the pancreas a total rest period to heal,the lack of food & water has taken it's toll on her body,she's such a tiny woman to start with that she's having a hard time fighting this off & the lack of food & water has left her drained.

They measure her blood count several times daily looking for enzyme levels or some shit,her levels are still very high but have started comming down slowly,if the count keeps dropping she may be allowed to have a drink of water soon,all she has had for days now is the rare small cup of ice chips or a damp wash rag to suck on,the enzyme levels dropping is the best news we've had all week & the specialist fully expects the levels to drop faster with each passing day.

After talking with the specialist the doc & the nurses gave me the ok to lay in the bed with her & hold her (lots of tubes & wires ),she slept very soundly for over 2 hours straight without waking up in pain,today was a very good day for us.


Yes my name is Levi,im sick of hiding who we are from fuked up laws,if my wife gets healthy again im posting a family picture as my avatar.


Well-Known Member
How long has she had MS? Keep a big bag for your wife and yourself, peace.
Good question but were not really sure & the doctors are playing it close due to how they band together,Barbara was diagnosed with Fibro Myalgia quite some time ago,before that they told her she had arthritis,before that it was some other shit i cant remember right off hand,plus ive had a few drinks,actually a bunch of drinks & smoked a bunch too so im a bit buzzed up, but i'll remember sooner or later.

She was diagnosed with MS a few months back then re diagnosed with progressive MS about a month ago, were starting to think she's had MS for around 5 years now & it's gone unchecked,thats why it's so far advanced so quickly after diagnosis.

Did you know that MS was a virus & that the teatment for MS is to inject another live virus into the patients body ? this is one fucked up disease :cuss:


Well-Known Member
I think so too victor,hopefully come this november all of us here can come out of the closet.