My Growing Setup....couple questions...


Active Member
Ima start growing some dope in about 2 days and i have a question about planting.

I am planning to use a bottle of gatorade ( empty ) and cut half of it off and fill it with soil.
Is this a good choice?

also would i need to make holes at the bottom for drainage?

Were along the bottle should i cut?

This is the type of bottle ima use


Well-Known Member
of coarse holes in the bottom it needs to be ably to drain... can use the bottles just to start off will be good for about 2 weeks maybe..... then upgrade good luck


Active Member
yea this is temporary, untill i see the plants big enough to be planted into earth.

How big and how many holes should i make?

Kine Sensi

Well-Known Member
Make your holes as big as possible without your soil falling out. As many as possible is always good. Can't really get too much drainage. You can probabaly make holes about the size of a dime or a little smaller. Good luck.


Active Member
thanks for all the help but i got one more question, How deep should the Gatorade bottle be?

Kine Sensi

Well-Known Member
the bigger the better, but it all depends on how long you plan on leaving your plants in there. With a 32 oz bottle, I would only leave them in there like two weeks maybe three, but watch out for rootbound plants. Also, black out that bottle with duct tape or something so light doesn't hit the roots.