My Growing


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6118320 said:
Well if I have a nute deficiency what fertilizer should I get for it that is alsogood for vegg like 20-20-20? Or what?

I think 20-20-20 is a little strong. You would have to really watch for nute problems. I would go lower. try to stay in the 5% - 12% range. I'm using 0-10-0(bone meal), 6-7-7(mixed with soil for veg),8-14-9(for flower). I do have some mg 15-30-15 and it sucks, way to acidic and easy to over feed.


Well-Known Member
Ya i gotta figure out what to feed my girl soon but today was a big day my bigger plant grew its new leaves and the smaller one is starting to grow its first leaves that aren't the clover ones. Also today I traded someone 5 seeds for two baggies stuffed with ditch weed plants, once I picked all the leafs off it wasnt to bad amont of bud in there I didnt weigh it but i put most of in upside down to dry the rest i did the quick dry method were you put it in a Tupperware contanor with a wet paper towl over it and it smoked decently good. Cant wait to see how well the bud smokes after i acually dry it out and cure it.



Well-Known Member
I am going to buy new soil for my plant once I transplant it into a bigger pot because the soil i have it growing in now sucks and is really old. i dont have many choices to pick from because i live in small town and i cant order off the internet. So I put the choices i have to pick from below. also a picture of how my bigger plant is doing it is growing its new set of leafs very well and is looking pretty green except the little bit of yellowing on the tip of the one leaf still. also would these fertilizer sticks be any good?



Well-Known Member
Alright today decided to transplant my hopefully girl into a bigger pot and it was a terrible transplant she wouldn't come out of the cup and when she finally did pretty much all the dirt had fallen out already and she fell into the new pot upside down. Not a happy plant. now that I have finished she is looking pretty droopy but I think she'll pull through.


Active Member
You are suppose to dry the soil so it stays in one big ball then use a butter knife to loosen the sides. I did this and it came out amazingly! If your soil is wet it will be a disaster.


Well-Known Member
Ya I was mostly dry but slightly damp when I did it and I didn't use a butter knife lol thanks for the tip for next time but I just checked on her and she's looking good not droopy anymOre and looks very strong so I'm happy.


Well-Known Member
alright so just to update everyone still following this thread i have started some nutes but i could get my hands onto anything weaker i settled with 20-20-20 but im only using half the mixture it recommends and only like once every 2 weeks. Also the plants are looking real good nice new leaves the new ones are growing five leaflets like a actual plant and the smaller one is finally starting to look like a plant. awhile ago i had started to grow like 5 plants but i gave up on them to focus on my current plants, so i just threw them into a cupboard and forgot about them but i opened it and two of them were like 3 inches tall so i put them in the growing room with the other plants.



Well-Known Member
Plants are looking great :D. Be careful with that 20-20-20. Even 1/2 the does is to much for those plants. I would recommend no more nutes till they get transplanted. They dont need much at all during the first few weeks.