My Growing


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Yea. I have not touched my bulb yet but the hood gets real hot if theres no air blowing on it. Had my hands pretty close to the hps warming them up. Dont have the balls to touch it yet. Maybe after a couple more hits :D j/k
hahah ya i was reaching into the cab and my arm touched it on accident, hurt like a bitch lol


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6721068 said:
hahah ya i was reaching into the cab and my arm touched it on accident, hurt like a bitch lol
Was gonna like this post.. Would of been funny. :lol: That does suck man. Hopefully you can make it work for you.


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6718995 said:
thanks! when you insert inline a pic go to the textbox and mouse over the pic and the upper left hand corner of the pic will be a pencil, click on it and select full size
im also using Mozilla fire fox


Well-Known Member
When i put pics in my comments (while editing or making a new comment) it shows them big. When i post it, it puts them in the little box's "click to enlarge". hmm. ill mess with it i guess.


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6722839 said:
hey high life guess what i got? mg cactus plant food lol 2-7-7
how many drops did you use per quart? it says 10-20 but i dont know if thats for outdoor plants
Awesome :D. That stuff is dirt cheap. It worked great for me. The most i went to was 9 drops i think. My plants looked great. I stopped using it because my last plant wasn't budding good. Thought it might be the nutes. Turned out it was the bin+seeds i was using. I started using it to correct a boron deficiency. Start off with only 4 or 5 drops. Then work up to 9 or 10. You shouldn't have to go over that. I was using sandy soil so it might be different for you.


Well-Known Member
Awesome :D. That stuff is dirt cheap. It worked great for me. The most i went to was 9 drops i think. My plants looked great. I stopped using it because my last plant wasn't budding good. Thought it might be the nutes. Turned out it was the bin+seeds i was using. I started using it to correct a boron deficiency. Start off with only 4 or 5 drops. Then work up to 9 or 10. You shouldn't have to go over that. I was using sandy soil so it might be different for you.
alright thanks so thats like 16 a gallon? but im only going to do like 2 waterings with it because im getting close to harvest its moving along slowly im thinking another 3 weeks? because i stll got alot of white hairs and only acouple brown ones


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6726309 said:
alright thanks so thats like 16 a gallon? but im only going to do like 2 waterings with it because im getting close to harvest its moving along slowly im thinking another 3 weeks? because i stll got alot of white hairs and only acouple brown ones
Yea 2 to 3 weeks sounds about right. I would only feed her 2 more times at the most. i think i started at 10 or 15 drops per gallon. Cant remember 100%.


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6726316 said:
ya i love that pipe it hits like a champ so nice and builds up rez fast to scrape and smoke lol and ya my tiki it like 80yrs old from my grandmas wedding lol
Ahh the days of resin. Havn't smoked it in 3 years don't plan on going back lol Nice lookin pipe tho. O and fuck the badgers that was a bullshit win last nite. lol subscribed :peace: