Damn! what a story cruzer. once the neighbors get a whiff of the fish emulsion, I'm sure they aint gonna be complaining about the smell of marijuana anymore and are actually gonna start liking the smell of maryjane as opposed to fish emulsion.. I swear, fish emulsion smells just like rotten pussy! that shit stanks wicked!!! lol
I hear ya, I almost puked when I added it to the soil last round. But come on, what would you rather smell.
Nothing I guess. Check this out,
A Redwood Valley man is telling his marijuana-growing neighbors to put their money where his nose is.
James Kerr decided the smell of James and Nancy Matthews's pot plants was too much, so on Friday, Kerr filed a civil suit in Mendocino County Superior Court.
"People can do something about the stench of marijuana gardens in their neighborhood," Kerr said. "It doesn't matter whether growing medical marijuana is legal or not. All you have to do is convince a judge or jury that the smell is offensive and interferes with your enjoyment of life or property, and you can be awarded monetary damages."
Kerr hopes to convince a judge or jury he lost the use of his property and suffered general damage because of the unpleasant smells. He filed an unlimited civil suit, which means he is seeking more than $25,000.
The suit alleges the Matthewses are creating a nuisance and are liable for it. According to the California Civil Code, a nuisance results from "anything which is injurious to health, or is indecent or offensive to the senses, so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property."
I guess I should get a charcoal filter going.
well glad to hear that all went well. i have read stories of even legal people getting "harrassed" more than you, as I am sure you have. Not sure about that fish emulsions thing actually helping with the monsters you had!!
if they had come when you had the most of your harvest, could they have done because of you being over the weight limit? or do you think it would have went down about the same way? i am sure you were pretty nervous, even being legal
the hydro looks good and ready to fill up

do you think you will have issues with the weight of the plants causing the gutter tube to sway or lean badly?
Thats what I said, I removed the roof so it wouldnt matter if I tried to clean the air last round but future grows will be more manageable.
I have heard of people with just a script getting busted but then let go and loose all there meds. Things are changing though. I have a script, I showed them I was growing six plants for personal use. They didn't search or ask how much I got, didn't even ask to go into the house.
I wasnt sure about that part, if they came when the plants were growing I'm sure they would have seen the weight but no, the state law says a single person can have up to six flowering plants. It does not have a size limit. So I would have been ok. The law has changed here in my county, here there really is no limit to the amount you can possess. The law states you can possess as much as needed to keep you medicated from what I understand. If there was nothing set by the county it would default to the state limit, thats six plants. Or with a state card 99 and eight oz's of dried flowers.
Yea the hydro is ready to go, No weight issues, hell, I could probably sit on the thing and swing. Thats not a cutter tube, Thats a 4" pvc fence post. pretty strong,
That story they told is inconsistant as hell. But you probably caught that part. First it was about your nephew, then it was about a neighbor, then it was the smell that tipped them off. They were fishing for idiots and thank the Ganj Lord you aren't one. Nice progress too Cruzer. Another awesome journal in the works. So did you decide to stick with Pura Vida?
Could be they thought my nephew still lived here and came over because he has an outstanding warrant.
Yea gonna stay with Pura Vida, with some cal mag and Im gonna run that SR-22 stuff on and off. with neem treatments.
To compensate for sway, attach two ropes on each side instead of one.
Use a V shape for increased stability.
Im not worried about sway.