My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

Wouldn't it be way too hot outside anyway?

you can put air conditioners in a greenhouse ya know. but even outdoors its not too hot. we just bury a 5 gal bucket in the dirt and drop some ocean forest. wa-la. the only thing keeping a grow epidemic here is the helicopters. plants get like 7-8ft tall in a season out here with good care....just that fuckin eye in the sky...
lol... guys... cmon now

weed grows wild in tropical lattitudes ya know ;)

just puttin that out there.
when you grow outdoors u learn real quick your plants withstand temps in excess of 100f, if they can uptake enough h2o to compensate for the increased transpiration due to excessive heat.....
Ya... :) I guess I did know about A/C in a greenhouse, just figured it'd be running from April-Oct so no one would in Az. I suppose if you're already running your house A/C, what's another 8-9 amps for a window unit.
Looks awesome Cruzer. Great job on the build. Looking forward to seeing these girls reach for the sky. Really looking forward to seeing that god bud outdoors. Im putting one of my blue kush close out in the sun this season to see how she does.
Thanks man, That blue that gets some sun, I dont know, I think in your screen it gets as many if not more lumnes, you got them under dual 600's right? You may be pulling more weight under your setup then you could get in the sun. Besides the extra risk, carefull man.

do u plan on putting more in there

Nope, I think I am maxxed at nine.
Actually in the planning stage this was going to house 6 plants. I can legally grow 12 plants in flower and 24 in veg.
I figured six in here and six in my cabinet. I will just cut back to three on the cab grows and veg a little longer.
The plants in there now will be done in about a month. I have fewer plants in there now then I usually do and I am sure I will still get the weight. Heres a couple shots, the girls are about three feet tall. Its all about the air flow. (thanks Integra)




I usually screen them but this time I trained them to grow around the light.
Trained the main cola and let the lower branches catch up. Then let the top go.​
Hey there cruz, I'm a bit late and it's crowded in here - hope you saved me a seat! lol They look great so far!
Are you chilling the water for these ladies outside? What is the benefit of using cold water like you do in your aero cabs?
This is a fucking cool setup. I am envious and might do it myself! =0

Subscribed. Looking forward to seeing how nicely these plants flourish in such a great environment.
Are you chilling the water for these ladies outside? What is the benefit of using cold water like you do in your aero cabs?

I have thought of it but I dont think it will be nessessary, I wont be using an R/O filter here. The soil grows in the greenhouse will have the water filtered by a sediment filter and a charcoal filter to remove the chlorine. I ordered a filter called small boy by hydro logic. with one set of cartridges I can filter 6000 gallons of water for $100 From what I understand this will still leave the micro nutrients the soil needs.
Once I get my hydro built for in here I will use that as a pre filter to an r/o so that lasts longer. I plan on hydro flowering in the winter and spring.


This is a fucking cool setup. I am envious and might do it myself! =0

Subscribed. Looking forward to seeing how nicely these plants flourish in such a great environment.

Welcome, Lets hope they do.

weres mine?

Second one down on the right man. I thought I made those signs big enough but I guess not.

real nice clean grow opp..ill be watching..

Pull up a chair.

Looking great in there Cruzer

Thanks man, I would really like for this to go off without a hitch but I know better.
Its nice to know I have several experienced growers keepin an eye on things.