My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010


Well-Known Member
yeah need some fat harvest pics please hehe

I can only imagine how many days i would veg around after a harvest like that...
you must not have read the whole thread! did ou see his summer harvest? I think it was like 5 or 7 lbs. funny thing was he did some trimming before full flower, and threw away, yes in the trash, a full trash can, like the ones Waste Management gives out, some 50-100 gallons, if not more :twisted: then he tormented us with pictures of his trash :fire: cruzers a great guy to torment us so :lol:


Well-Known Member
oh i did read through the whole summer process from naming the plants to forum members and growing the dam roof off his greenhouse lol then the harvest was of legend with spider mites battles and all. he said he gave most of it way to his cop op that made me cry inside lol

Dude has like my dream man cave in his backyard.


Well-Known Member
Ha! Torment you huh? and I thought I was sharing...:twisted:

Yea that was something, never thought I would see the day I would toss so much.

That reminds me, after about a week, when I took it to the curb I looked closely at some small buds and all the trichs I could see were amber, much darker then the rest of the stuff I dried so I did some fermentation myself.

Yea, I love to grow but I love my freedom more. I do this for personal meds and for one other patient. 20 years ago, maybe a different story but now the time ant worth the crime. Besides, I bet I made at least one garbage man happy.

So, anyway the girls hanging are doing alright in the shed, I was gonna turn a cab into a dryer but no need. Looking at sunny days for at least a week. I'll get some pics for ya tomorrow.

Light mover is sticking again, I found a motor for it on eBay and I got a bid on it.
I lowered the shelf against the wall so the girls have room to stretch, gave them a good watering and got them on a timer now 2 min on at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm gives them about a cup a day. I think I'm going to make rings with the 1/4 in tubing and go around the stalk. I can drill holes at four points and get all around the plant. Then a layer of sand on top. I still need material to build a second shelf I can hang. Checking craigslist for bed frames.


Well-Known Member
happy garbage men come from California too :D

yeah, i just orderded parts for my drip system like the one you did for the green crack hempies. I thought of burrying my line a inch or 2 in the perlite/vermi. that should be ok right?


Active Member
Cruzer, I bought a 5.0 lightrail... total pain to install, not sure if you are having the same issues or the same lightrail? but here goes.. The 5.0 extruded aluminum (super poor design for this application!) is different than the cheaper model (3.0?) You cant put a screw into it where the motor passes, will cause it to stick unless its "COMPLETELY' countersunk... and I mean even a butt hair sticking out, cant say this enough... I also had to sand the inside of the rail as it had tiny flaws.... After many, many hours of frustration of what should have been a simple 2 minute install, The system works... and does well... hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
hell guys i just have mine drip through a sand covering in my pots and they love life getting 4-8oz of water every 12 hours depending on plant age(8 - 16oz or 1-2 cups of water per day), meter normaly has them jsut inside the ideal mositure range. I honestly havent seen a need for tubes burried too the roots or rings. But thats something i think i could try in the future to see if i get better results.


Well-Known Member
Cruzer, I bought a 5.0 lightrail... total pain to install, not sure if you are having the same issues or the same lightrail? but here goes.. The 5.0 extruded aluminum (super poor design for this application!) is different than the cheaper model (3.0?) You cant put a screw into it where the motor passes, will cause it to stick unless its "COMPLETELY' countersunk... and I mean even a butt hair sticking out, cant say this enough... I also had to sand the inside of the rail as it had tiny flaws.... After many, many hours of frustration of what should have been a simple 2 minute install, The system works... and does well... hope this helps...

yeah i was thinking you may be hanging up on your track, have your tried a lubricant? how would replacing the motor help is it not powerful enough?


Well-Known Member
happy garbage men come from California too :D

yeah, i just orderded parts for my drip system like the one you did for the green crack hempies. I thought of burrying my line a inch or 2 in the perlite/vermi. that should be ok right?
sure, that will do it. Ha! got me thinking about that happy cow commercial, I wonder what was hang drying in that barn in the background?

Cruzer, I bought a 5.0 lightrail... total pain to install, not sure if you are having the same issues or the same lightrail? but here goes.. The 5.0 extruded aluminum (super poor design for this application!) is different than the cheaper model (3.0?) You cant put a screw into it where the motor passes, will cause it to stick unless its "COMPLETELY' countersunk... and I mean even a butt hair sticking out, cant say this enough... I also had to sand the inside of the rail as it had tiny flaws.... After many, many hours of frustration of what should have been a simple 2 minute install, The system works... and does well... hope this helps...
Thanks for the info man but mine is an intelledrive 3.5 is at least 5 years old. Looked like this once:

But I hear ya, If the stoppers are not just right, like a buthair off the dam thing wont flip back. That is the problem I have been having, Im gonna try duct tape, wrap something around it to make it bigger. shit fixes anything.

hell guys i just have mine drip through a sand covering in my pots and they love life getting 4-8oz of water every 12 hours depending on plant age(8 - 16oz or 1-2 cups of water per day), meter normaly has them jsut inside the ideal mositure range. I honestly havent seen a need for tubes burried too the roots or rings. But thats something i think i could try in the future to see if i get better results.

Yeah i was thinking you may be hanging up on your track, have your tried a lubricant? how would replacing the motor help is it not powerful enough?
I guess I just like to tweek on stuff but I have done it in hydro with hydroton and I found by watering at more then one point I could use less water and get a larger root system. I tried it in soil last summer in the smart pots and my humidity in the greenhouse was kept in check most the summer. actually got a pretty rounded root ball from just one location. By not having standing water or moist top soil I think is beneficial to the plants in more ways then one. I plan on setting it on the soil then putting a 1/2' layer of sand on top to protect against insects. That way when I water I wont be sending the sand down into the soil either. I got the tubes, i got the sand, I figure why the hell not?

Yea the rollers look good, I took it apart and found the switch is a magnet that crosses some thingy on a curcut board, my guess is that magnet has lost its juice. IDK sometimes it works and sometimes it just stops and with a little nudge it starts rolling again. Track is clean, She is rated to pull 32 pounds if I remember right and this isnt that heavy. I haven't tried lubricant though. Powered by a rubber wheel on aluminum track.


Active Member
Its sticking on something for sure..... My guess, doubt its magnets..... Mine stuck in 8 different places , and would do the nudge thing also, look really, really close,,, sometimes the upper wheel will be catching something from the top, something there is making it stick... bet an oz on now that my track is straight and cleaned (used sandpaper) it rolls fine pulls harder when Temps are higher (rubber wheels soften a bit).. and it pulls all the cords with it, but the cords need to be strategically placed and hung just right.. get a chair or a ladder and get up there and run it back and forth on the sticky spots, you will see something.... (mite carcass&eggs, half a blunt) aluminum shaving perhaps... a lubricant will only worsen things, it will make the wheels slip,, the rubber likes to be warm for best traction, just like a car tire... tell us what you find...


Well-Known Member
Im convinced its in the switch. when its in gear it's hard to stop.
After taking it apart I had to use duct tape to hold the cover back on. It could be a million things man.

But I think its in that black bar that runs through the top. Thats what makes it change direction. There is a magnet in the center of it. Whatever, I'll mess with it for a week while I bid on a replacement.

Shot from today, G-13 on the right. Headband on the left is finishing.
Should have those down and the Silver Jack up in about a week or so.

headband bud shots

This is there last week of feeding, 800 ppm. going to flush this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Hi ceaser, sure I have neighbors. One called the Police last November because of the smell. One of the cops told me I should use fish emulsion to help hide the smell. Personally I would rather smell bud. Actually I haven't done anything about it yet but I do plan on doing something, probably recirculate air inside through a carbon filter and keep the a/c on. I'll make something, it will be part of my upgrade for next summer. For now I figure what the hell, neighbors already know I grow.

I have a couple security cams too, here is the eye in the sky at about sunset.
The greenhouse is built in the corner of my yard.

Cool huh?


Well-Known Member
does the milder climate of winter lesson the smell any? I know a lot of folks say that a cooler area doesnt smell quite as much. havent had a cool enough space to know for myself.


Well-Known Member
Oh sure, I have noticed this batch doesn't smell much at all until I go inside.

Its passing by the drying shed that gets ya by the boo boo.
