My Heart Chakra


Well-Known Member
I hope this is the right thread...

I seemed to have made some spiritual headway this weeked in a way the first creature to crawl onto a beach did. Its like alot of things that were always so obvious slid into place. But that is not the reason for my writing...

I shortly after comming to this new understanding of the everything, suddenly felt a very hot spot dead in the centre of my chest, probably the size of the side of a fist... Then it felt like my heart was beating fast... To the extent that I actualy worked out my heartbeat to a slowish 60ish...

It went away and after I had to sleep for about 16 hours straight... wakeing up, the world has been feeling new and even my body posture is more positive and I feel I see things clearly and find it easier to avoid some of my bad habbits...



Well-Known Member
Look into kundalini stimulation. I know what you mean about the clarity of perception. Not so much figuring out things but remembering them.

Have you ever tried mushrooms? You can really feel your chakras when you're trippin.


Well-Known Member
I never had a huge breakthrough while working with my chakras, just better feeling of life.


Well-Known Member
Well chakra meditation has many schools of thought. I personally think everyone is their own best teacher. You only get what you really want in life. That includes spiritual experiences.


Well-Known Member
No, I have not tried enough mushrooms to have any effect, but I have done quite a bit of things like acid etc...

However what I got was the unified version of the multiverse and even our physical perception of it, similar to whar you would expect from a strong salvia dose... but I was dead sober appart from smokeing some good herb.

(I had a herb fast for 2 weeks before that, which I think had something to do with it)


Well-Known Member
I think if you hold out on weed for a couple weeks after smoking a year straight, you start to act crazy until you smoke again. At least thats how I am.


Well-Known Member
yes, there was a time last year i meditated every day, 3 times a day. before i smoked, i felt things not since felt until i tried shrooms :) i love meditating, but its hard to find a quiet place to mediate in college


Well-Known Member
Before? I find it easier when I've had some herb. Smoke a bowl, do some mantras, then slowly grasp everything.