My High Drawings


Well-Known Member
Hey, Bongshits, whats wrong man?
Let there be peace!

the problem is this................I reopened my thread on the same night he posted this thread........... mine got the attention

he got jellous and mad and spouted hate in my thread.

i mjust returned the favor....... Im done with it now

young punks with no integrity sometimes need a dose of their own medicine.


Well-Known Member
its as much a compliment as your post in my guitar o lin thread....I spent weeks writing that and teaching myself how to play it.only to have you come in spouting off hate. saying its a trick and shit.
so i say fuck you.
your art is not that good. ive seen much much better.....Hows that ????? feel good you little pip squeak punk.

ah, now i see.

personal vendetta



Well-Known Member
more words. and obvious lies. if you studied at berkley you would allready know ...I played no 32nd notes

and every phrase that was finger picked was arppegios. just saying.


Well-Known Member
nothing personal fdd2blk. just returning the favor......

i know that rising above is not one of my better qualitys.

im working on being able to ignore it.

but i put alot of time and love in my work.

and got insulted by his rude, mean was uncalled for.....Im thinking this is one of those trools that used to harras me before i learned how to take nicer pics.

so now hes digging for other insults because he cant knock my plants anymore.

I know that haters are a part of doing anything well. but that dont make it ok.
and the comments still hurt.

so again i have stooped to anothers level.

but im getting better at ignoring it. just not there yet.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
its as much a compliment as your post in my guitar o lin thread....I spent weeks writing that and teaching myself how to play it.only to have you come in spouting off hate. saying its a trick and shit.
so i say fuck you.
your art is not that good. ive seen much much better.....Hows that ????? feel good you little pip squeak punk.
i liked your guitar o lin page
but dude no need 2 spout off and attack this dood
his drawings arent traced
those drawings are as sick as fat tiitys
i find these drwings very creative


Well-Known Member
nothing personal fdd2blk. just returning the favor......

i know that rising above is not one of my better qualitys.

im working on being able to ignore it.

but i put alot of time and love in my work.

and got insulted by his rude, mean was uncalled for.....Im thinking this is one of those trools that used to harras me before i learned how to take nicer pics.

so now hes digging for other insults because he cant knock my plants anymore.

I know that haters are a part of doing anything well. but that dont make it ok.
and the comments still hurt.

so again i have stooped to anothers level.

but im getting better at ignoring it. just not there yet.

he made ONE post in your thread and deleted a second one. that's it. you haven't shut up since. you ruined this thread. he made ONE comment.

you need to grow up. you specifically ask for opinions and criticism in your thread. he asked a simple question and YOU popped off. now you hijack his thread to validate yourself.

it's you dude. :-(

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
he made ONE post in your thread and deleted a second one. that's it. you haven't shut up since. you ruined this thread. he made ONE comment.

you need to grow up. you specifically ask for opinions and criticism in your thread. he asked a simple question and YOU popped off. now you hijack his thread to validate yourself.

it's you dude. :-(
fdd is so fuckin awesome!
i love u mann:clap:


Well-Known Member
he made ONE post in your thread and deleted a second one. that's it. you haven't shut up since. you ruined this thread. he made ONE comment.

you need to grow up. you specifically ask for opinions and criticism in your thread. he asked a simple question and YOU popped off. now you hijack his thread to validate yourself.

it's you dude. :-(

whatever dude...... his comment was not a question. and not constructive.
and you know it. it was ment to provoke.
it worked. so my fault was letting it provoke. I see that......c'mon cant we be honest.


Well-Known Member
also fdd2blk pm me please on how to delete all my pictures and links to pictures...I will gladly delete my account
and dissapear.......if im not wanted or understood. ill go to other forums where i am apriecated.
thanks men. i got you back anytime. I appreciate the compliments and comments....I will post many more coming tomorrow or the next day so stay tuned.

fdd- thanks for the input you rock

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
haha fdd dont waste time dude
go 2 another forum
maybe an angry sand in thier vagina mean shit head crack fiend forum